Grottbags Diary - Noting Things About Myself (Part 2 - 2015)

in #blog7 years ago

Me Facts

  1. I'm so lost and alone my insides ache hard with despair. Only drugs, food or company help get me through each day. But company is rare so i fluctuate between trying to be creative/distracted on drugs or fat and lazy on food and sleep lots.

  2. Sometimes I struggle with my impulse desires. I could have little money but desire something that is daft and irrelevant to my circumstances, but if the desire gets too big, I somehow convince myself I need to get it and regret it not long after.

  3. My best friend Harvey was the first person I said "I love you" to. At which point he told me he was gay. I was shocked at how easy it was to rid my sexual desires and use the love to remain being the best best friends we came to be.

  4. As soon as someone goes from friends to love something happens to my insides and over a period of about 1 year, the ability to desire them sexually disappears and I end up loving them like they were my family. But this means I have to break the relationship apart and work to rebuild in a different structure. Which can be hard on emotions, but is vital to make sure i never lose those I love. When I love people I love them forever so it seems. I feel lucky that all those I love have remained in my life as my best friends.

  5. I am afraid that I will always be alone because I can't connect in the right way with people, especially on intimate levels.

  6. I sometimes get so jealous and sad about what people around me have and I don't. Seeing families who are close and love each other, parents still together, something i always wanted my whole life that I will never be able to have. So i see such lovely things when i observe happy families, i should feel happy for them, but im often more sad for myself. And that in itself frustrates me further.
    When i see couples, teams, people hanging out and having fun together, i always feel i am on the outside just observing, never feeling the fun they do. This hurts more often than i care to let myself think about. Even watching TV can sometimes hit a nerve. I just have to try keep my brain busy, learn stuff.

  7. My ultimate fear is dying alone, after spending most of my life alone and never belonging anywhere. And/or being alive, old, frail and having to rely on other people to help me. If i get to that stage and cannot give anything back, i would rather die. On top of this i fear losing my memory and forgetting who i am. I truly feel people's pain when it happens to them or their family, i just hope so much i do not have to be part of that despairing puzzle of life. I think, even if i was old and alone, if i still had my memory, i could make myself appreciate that i am still alive and thinking, and that is still better than death, no matter how old one becomes.

  8. All of the loved ones I have lost have all passed away without warning. Maybe I am lucky this is only 2 people so far.
    My Grandad and my best friend Harvey. Both died 1 day before I was meant to be seeing them. Both times I was at the opposite ends of the country. Both times I was not good enough when they needed me. Forever this will haunt me.

  9. I am so used to wearing girl tops and thin clothes I forget about layers! and ability to wear jumpers over tshirts.

  10. I read between the lines all of the time, even if logically i know there is no between the lines. I just like to imagine, and cover all possibilities, like if it's not thought to be impossible, then everything must be possible, then it's a case of think about how probable... maybe i enjoy it, maybe i have been wired so long like this it is all i know, and has become a comfort, a way of dealing with a chaotic world. I think grammar school helped me realise this is not such a weird thing after teaching us to read in between the lines from poems and old stories, to learn about metaphors and writing. It was a moment when i thought I wasnt so weird after all.

  1. Sometimes I like to imagine stars and galaxies are formed from living thoughts and ideas, bursting to life and death depending on who thinks what and how... and that the moles on our skin represent our personal map of stars from where in the universe pieces of us belong.

(Part 1 can be found here:


This is a lovely, touching, soulful post. I feel for you.

Ahh that's so kind of you to say. All good now though, learn from the dark, make it light. Im going to uni this year to learn more about brains :) I dont think i would have thought about it had i not got so lost before. Maybe blessings in disguises.

I have a friend who went for cognitive neuroscience for the same reason. Studying hard can bring on its own challenges to our mental health, so be careful not to fall into the same rut. Eat healthy and exercise! That worked for me and my panic attacks, and for a friend who was literally committed to a psychiatric hospital for some time.

Check out this if you want:

It's like steemSTEM (or we try to be) but for the humanities.

Nice concept and idea, i love brains. Not used to using discord much but ive joined up. Always appreciate portals :D

I think in the end it is far better to teach yourself how to alter yourself rather than hope others will have the answers. Our health services are rubbish for fixing brain problems. Much easier to go back to school and learn how to do things right. Plus i enjoy testing ketamine which has many beneficial properties. Hopefully one day I get to create my therapy cafe :D

I def need to start eating better though, so lazy haha :o

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Ahh cheers, much appreciated. Im having fun, that's the main thing :D I will get around to checking the chat out, im slow but i get there in the end :)

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