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RE: Foodie's ponderings

in #blog6 years ago

Oh my. That's one hell of a lot of thinking @playfulfoodie.

You don't have to decide right now and it will work out one way or another. thinking about all the what its is just as likely to bring you headaches back.

Go take a walk i your garden and look at your beautiful house. How wonderful that was that you found it and moved in. You will be fine.

And . . . you've got your wonderful hubby to back you up. If he's happy to work then trust that.

All that thinking is adding stress where it's not needed. You're doing great. You have some exciting choices ahead and all will be fine. 💙


Thank you so much @gillianpearce for putting things in perspective like this. You're right, everything will work out one way or another :-)

They called me yesterday and told me they have to think this over some more. They want to see if they can create an environment where I am able to learn everything that's needed, without putting expectations on me I can't fulfill right away. So the interview really helped a lot I think to make clear what exactly I can and can't do. I'm glad everything was brought out in the open like this so that if I do get the job, it won't be under false expectations.

Wow. That sounds amazing @playfulfoodie. What a thoughtful potential employer!

It will be interesting to see what they come up with, 😊

Are you planning on doing some more designing to day. We haven't seen any baking for a while. 😁

You know what, I did take some pictures of this yummy dish I wanted to share! I forgot about it though, but I will definitely have to work that out soon. For now, you'll have to make due with my top 5 desserts :D

I'm looking forward to it @playfulfoodie. 😁

Have a fun day!

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