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RE: Super Healing CBD Surprise To Start The New Year!

in #blog7 years ago

Wow that's really awesome!! I would've never guessed! Hehe
Is there a specific hemp paste that you would recommend for bone/surgery healing?
Do you consume the paste internally or topically??
How can I get some samples?? o: That would be lovely!! I love hemp everything!! 💗😄💗
And do you accept Steem? O:


I would accept steem but the site need fiat. 😲all the pastes are created equally & here's a full list of their benefits to include helps bone growth:
Relieves pain
Reduces inflammation
Relieves anxiety
Reduces blood sugar levels
Alleviate and reduce seizures and convulsions
Enhances and balances the immune system
Decreases nausea and vomiting
Inhibits cancer cell growth
Lessens risk of artery blockage
Slows bacteria growth
Suppresses muscle spasms
Promotes cardiovascular health
Treats skin conditions such as psoriasis and acne
Relieve PTSD
Promotes bone growth
Antibacterial and antioxidant

Here's a link directly to the store. You can get a sample for Just $20. :)
Just Scroll right down past the canna chocolate and you'll see the hemp paste. It is taken orally and is high CBD concentrated.

I really appreciate all the info! CBD is truly an incredible medicine!!!! 💗😄💗
The link you sent me this time is asking for some ID number? O:
I didn't see the huge list of other things on top of hemp, including iodine!! Ahha
Awesome website @chelsea88!
Would be awesome if there was a way to trade in Steem for a sample hehe
We'll see what happens though, I sent my family your link :)

Id do it if the site would let me. So you were able up actually see the store this time?

Awe I see haha, I'm sure that will happen in the near future!! 😄
This time it took me straight to the store and I saw a lot more products instead of only the hemp ones! However, whenever I clicked on anything it would ask me for an ID number..(?)

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