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RE: Happy Birthday DIY Tube Video Sharing Community

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Hello... can i buy a diy tube shirt with my 100,000 diy tube coins i earned? you said they are valued at $0.10 USD each and your shirt is only $20 USD. so my 100k of diy tube coin should be worth $10,000 USD. where can i exchange my DIY TUBE COIN for USD?


is this really the direction you want to go troy? greying out my honest and fair question directly related to your blog? ok if that is how you want to play it. apparently you didn't learn anything from last time. have your fun for today but know this, what goes around comes around ;)

Since you do not have 100,000 DIYT Coins on the blockchain, I grayed out your comment. But I decided to answer you openly instead.

you only answered me because you saw your flag was useless...

My flag was not set to 100% power because I have no interest in getting into a downvote war with you. My flag was set to a point to only gray out your comment without touching your reputation rating.

Due to the fact that not one single person has such high rewards as you claim , nor has one single person ever filled out the AML and KYC forms, it was concluded that you were clearly only trying to stir up trouble.

i dont think you want to start a war just to keep the truth from being told.

Are you not getting yourself in trouble with the steemit community coming here to my own blog and threatening a down vote war on me?

troy you threaten the down vote war. i simply promised to defend myself and friends.

You are attacking myself on my own blog.


Your freedom of speech ends when it causes harm to another person or business.

You do not get to have freedom to slander or harass my family or my businesses on my own blog.

One man's freedom of speech ends when it impinges on another man's freedom.

greying me out only serves to prove you have something to hide from the public that really the route you want to go?

I answered you after consulting with my team and decided it is much better to openly explain things to the public.

I had grayed out your comment because you made a claim to have earned 100,000 reward points on DIY Tube website which is impossible.

100,000 reward points would mean that you got over 10,000,000 views with 100% minutes watched per video.

Since the entire site has not had anywhere near that many views in its existence, it is physically impossible for you to have earned 100,000 reward points on the website.

Also a quick check can show that not one single channel has come anywhere near that amount of rewards to date.

As well as the fact that nobody could get their rewards out yet, it was concluded that you were just stirring up trouble.

In retrospect it would have been better to just openly answer you as I am doing now.

troy you can also buy them back in the beginning and not just earn them. or did you forget about that? tell yourself all the stories you want to feel good but the facts are the facts. and you still have no clue who i am over on diy tube or if i am even there at all.

Ryan, the blockchain integration was fortunately never completed.

There is no way to buy back anything and no need to anyway.

All rewards are still on DIY Tube Video Community.

When we are earning profits we will be able to convert those rewards to real money.

Team Haha only one person behind this scam.

how do you know i dont when you dont know what my account is over there?

Also due to AML and KYC regulations put in place by the Federal government, we would have had to collect full personal details on anyone who had planned to trade their coins onto the open market. Its the law.

But since not one single person filled out the full personal information, not one single sale was made in DIY Tube Coins through the DIY Tube website.

All is well and good then.

Because not one single person has ever traded 100,000 coins onto the blockchain. It is just not physically possible. We never finished the integration as we had hoped due to lack of funding.

And a good thing too because then we would have been tied to a falling market.

Now we are free to tie ourselves to a stable Fiat market.

Due to our compliance with KYC and AML regulations we know that you do not have any DIYT coins on the blockchain.

But since you asked the question we will answer it for others to see in case they have any questions.

Our T-Shirt sales campaign is run through a third party site. We have no control over the payments that they accept. Actually we have no control over anything except for promoting the campaign.

Having said that, members can get their T-Shirt here:

so this blog is lying when it claims you are offering crypto over there? which is it? are you offering such as this blog claims or not as your comment here claims? sounds like you are committing fraud in one of these two places...

Please read the blog fully. We are no longer supporting cryptocurrency. As I had stated elsewhere it will take time for us to update all of our websites and materials.

I cannot see how anyone could claim fraud by DIY Tube.

We offer the following:

Free membership
Free video storage in the cloud
Free unlimited video uploads
Free unlimited video length.
Anonymous memberships
Freedom of speech (for channel owners)
Full control of your channel
Rewards system for activities on our site.

Future plans for revenue sharing.

Much better than hoping for future value of a coin based on a failing market we believe.

DIY Tube offers everything for free. Like it or leave it. Its free.

you didnt support crypto to begin with reid. you pulled the 249,500,000 figure right outta your ass along with the 10 cent per coin figure. like you,the coin was worthless anyway. admit it.

but your article here and elsewhere states your coins are valued at $0.10 each and are on the ether trade site. so are you now resending those statements and admitting your coins hold no value? if so then why is this blog still posted falsely advertising that you payout in active cryptocurrency known as diy tube coins? also how can you know what i do and dont have if you dont know the name or account i hold them under?

Well, since we did not complete the blockchain integration, members were not able to bring their rewards outside of DIY Tube onto the blockchain. Therefore we are sure that members will be quite happy to wait for cash instead once we set up the revenue sharing system, which will be after we start to see profits.

We were going to value DIY Tube coins (rewards) at 10 cents each US. But since the cryptocurrency market collapsed, DIY Tube rewards would be valued at less than one cent US if we remained tied to the blockchain.

We believe it is much more profitable and stable for members to share revenue for cash rather than rely on an unstable market.

I believe every one would agree to that.

DIY Tube has decided that remaining tied to cryptocurrency will not be beneficial to our growth at this time. Setting up a stable revenue sharing platform is better for everyone involved.

Being tied to cryptocurrency means a bit of instability for our company due to the rise and fall of alcoin values.

Therefore we are planning a revenue sharing system which will share a percentage of the profits once we get some income flowing and have started to generate profits.

To date DIY Tube Video Community has not seen any income or profits but we hope to change this very soon.

Since we never did complete full automation with the blockchain members were not able to automatically transfer their rewards out of DIY Tube Video Community. Therefore no harm has been done and once the revenue sharing system is in place, we will offer a way to swap out rewards for real world money :)

It is due to the very fact that we did not complete full blockchain integration, we know you do not have 100k DIY Tube coins that you "earned". It is just not at all possible, because it was not possible.

Thank you for your questions though and the chance to share this information.

DIY Tube Video Community

its always all about you and screw everyone else. isnt it reid?shyster.

but you said crypto was the wave of the future. you know. so people can cheat the irs, launder drug money,etc. you didnt lie again did you reid?

You like doing unboxing so much why didn't we get an unboxing video for your cease and desist letter from the SEC over your illegal money laundering site. Why did you grey uot this valid question?