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RE: Quotes and my perspective...# 16

in #blog7 years ago

Hello - I can't read your comments anymore on the other place we have been talking, but yes I have Bangkok Bank savings. I'm taking photos of my passbook now. I'm going to a big crowd of Thais for dinner and begging them to know who someone who knows someone who knows crypto. I know someone does.


Progress report on your account - have you been approved yet? Rooting for ya...!

Nothing in my email at all...ergh

ok - I'll be signing up in a short while ( I wonder if its better to use my g/f account - Thai?. For speed etc.?)

It's sunday today(doh) - I said my money going in the bank today - sorry! - it's monday.

-hopefully this wont be an issue in a few hours time...

If I use my girlfriends account and it's quick(er), - you can always use my account to! - send the crypto - I convert, transfer money into your account...

We are getting there, I can feel it !

The internet at it's finest! I'm ready for any option and my wallet laughs at me. My friends gave me some water bottles last night so I will not die at least.

The sign up process was not bad - like any other. @gmicheIbkk has perfect directions. I think you should both get accounts and your little dog too!

Is your gf on here? The Thai team is starting to break out. You two can be rich soon.

My rewards were a big hit last night and people said that would sign up for sure. They live on the same street as me and could not believe the payout on my local photos. I know them all on fb and they have good posts so I hope they come.

keep me informed....

shiiiit - sorry - I feel really bad - I had my days mixed up...nothing I can do until 3/4 ish tomorrow pm.

G/f on here - v. occasionally. She speaks writes v. good English - but it's an effort on here, so doesn't bother too much.

I use her account more than she does.

At least she has one. I powered @bxlphabet up and he votes with a bot. At least do that for passive rewards. I can get him to comment on my posts and get him about $15 a week if he does it.

He finally noticed the money but still won't try here much.

Can I moved from bittrix to paypal? Any idea? I have a bittrix with 5 sbd in it I did a while ago but I don't know how to get the money out of it.

If your address/bank is a US one - you can move into paypal (I'm pretty sure, not 100% - when i was researching our predicament - using coinbase,maybe? )

If your son has US bank account - if youtrust him lol - you have no problems - you do know that?

verified in US - with coinbase - easy - you can even get a debit card sent to you!
(from how I understand it ,anyway)

(you can even get a bitcoin debit card with a US addy)

He does not have a phone and cannot access his coinbase account. He lost his bank account to services charges a few months ago when he decided to rack up $300 of them in two days instead of talking to me for money. (since I'm such a b@tch...)

All he has is pp right now.

I don't trust him, but he is all I have and ptsd really sucks :(

But I will go look at bittrex again to see if I can get to pp - thank you.

you need to write a post - or give me info on how to maximise earning on your accounts -

I still have moral issues with the whole bot thing (but I'm not an accountant lol)

My moral issues went out the window a few months ago when I took three days to look at whale accounts for tips. The "fraud" is breathtaking up there.

Check this one maybe:

I will soon write another with more details. I put bots on at the end - I'm not trying to rank - just maximize rewards at the end. I want my content to stand for itself in the first days.

My sp is up 200 points since starting bots in mid-December. I work them about 2 hours each day now at 4-7 pm thai time so the us is asleep. It's like shooting ducks in a barrel it is so lucrative.


Now I have more voters at the beginning. People know they will get curation rewards with me now and so put me on their bots.

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