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RE: What have I been up to today?

in #blog6 years ago

Hi @katerinaramm,

I am working on a post to thank everyone and will be referencing this post. I saw it last night, but I was so overwhelmed that I could not comment.

Your generous and early action was such a relief to me. I was not sure about my post or my life or just anything. As soon as I saw your transfer, I knew - or dared to hope - that everything was going to be ok. So I was able to get up from the computer and go get some food after you made the transfer so quickly.

After I came back, Boom! The money for rent (and more) was there. I was stunned beyond belief. I did not know what to do, but I clicked through from my wallet to the people who sent transfers. I was going to find posts and say thank you. This is the one I clicked for you. Of course I was reading it not knowing was about me, and stopped at this line:

"One who does not recognize that there are wings that he could use to fly."

I saw this and it's still now putting me into tears. I can never thank you enough for these words. And then after getting to the bottom of the post, I was done for the night. I could not even go look at the other people's posts since I was crying too much.

I am still in shock right now about this whole thing. I've been sleeping and eating all day from the stress relief, but I will be back to my "normal" self soon.

I will always treasure this memory and your wonderful help.

{{{Hugs}}} Sharon @fitinfun


My dear Sharon,
A few days back, a very close family member lost their entire home from a vicious fire. I will be having them at my house until we see what happens and their house can be rebuilt .. I have been going through tremendously difficult, emotional times and then I saw your post and it hit me so hard .. I could sense your agony and at the moment it was just me, leaving out all my feelings and trying to send you positive vibes.
I hope for the best and send you over all my respect and admiration

Unbelievable. I saw the card and your post was like the thoughts in my head.

My prayers are with you and your family. hold them close in this stressful time.

I'm so glad to be connected to you, Katerina. We will succeed together.

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