Weekly Recap #7- More Art Listings & Steem Sales,Splits,Friends, Boudoir Photography & Horror October!

in #blog8 years ago

Another amazing week living the magic life! I am up to 88 followers !! We are almost to 100! This week i focused on updating all of my print listings on etsy and peerhub, and started tackling listing the originals. My goal for the upcoming week will be to finish listing all of the originals, and begin work on a new commission project that i will be tracking on this blog :) I also sold more art on peerhub/ steemit, so that is really cool! I will be shipping art to California first thing tomorrow , thanks to peerhub :)

Also, i got a really cool fan photo from a customer in Australia who purchased a print from me via steemit, So that was really exciting as well! Cryptocurrency has really helped me branch out and reach more people who are interested in my art, my story, and what i am doing, and  for that i am eternally grateful . 

You can find my artwork on the following websites:

Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/MissEveningStar

Peerhub: https://www.peerhub.com/profile - Evening Star

I also cleaned and organized my art room, and set up my drawing table for an exciting project that i will be beginning next week. I always enjoy my art/ energy/ altar room a lot more when it is clean, and i can tell the difference in my mindset and the way that i feel and create when energy is flowing freely in this room and in my life

I have been working on my splits for the past three days, participating in a worldwide, 60 day splits challenge. I am 3 days in and already feeling more limber, even if a little bit sore.I will be updating my files on facebook daily as part of this challenge, and will recap with my progress about once a week here on the blog. I am excited to take my flexibility to the next level and improve my strength and form.I took this photo during today's practice.  

This week i spent some time hanging out with my new friends Sarah and James. Sarah lives in the same town as i do , and is an experienced hula hoop performer, fire artist, and reiki and massage healer. I got to meet all of her amazing pets ( she has cats, a dog, horses, and lots of fish!) and see her amazing, spacious garage with TALL CEILINGS! My heart beats a little bit faster when i see high ceilings like that , and her husband is an architect, and knows how to make structurally sound rigging for us. We will be working on re-vamping that space into a creative studio for dance, hoop, and aerials so that we can grow and expand and teach each other. I am so excited to see what we can create! James lives in the area as well, and we spent the day talking about yoga, spirituality, philosophy, and art. We shared music and ideas with each other, and i had a wonderful time bouncing ideas off of him and sharing our thoughts and art today 

I also got some of my boudoir photos back from Peyton photography! We are still working on scheduling a second shoot, but i did get quite a few photos back, and will be creating a separate blog containing more of those :) I love how these came out, and i can't wait to make something unique for my fiance with the photographs. I am so excited to continue working with this talented photographer, and creating art in all of its various forms in my life. 

I worked 5 days this week, and business is beginning to slow down as the weather gets colder. It has been rainy and chilly in the mountains for the past several days, and has made it challenging to stay motivated and driven. Jeff and i have started watching American Horror Story , since it is October, and have made it to season two :) I really loved season one, and can't wait to see the way that the show develops over the upcoming seasons. 

I started the very first of the Halloween decorating tonight, putting up a few little things here and there. I will be getting the house more and more decorated as we approach my favorite holiday! I cant wait to share all of my ghoulish going-ons with all of you lovelies! Halloween has been my favorite for as long as i can remember, and i always find myself feeling creative and inspired as the weather cools down and fall sets in. The colors are changing, and so are we.Keep your eyes peeled for lots of exciting and dark things this upcoming week and month!. 

Thanks so much for checking out my blog and my artwork, and supporting my journey! 

Namaste! SO MUCH LOVE! 

Evening Star 



@eveningstar92 I hope it's not too forward but I think I'll ask the question that I know many who have read your post are wondering.

Is there a story behind the mushroom and penis artwork hanging in your art room? I see this as visual pun of sorts. Was that what you were going for? Thanks.

I AM SO HAPPY YOU ASKED ! All of my houseguests always have to mention the "penis in the room" haha. It is always so funny to me that almost every person has some sort of reaction to this painting!
I created this design a long time ago, in my concept book initially .My fiance was joking with me , and said i should draw a penis...and this was born. haha. The first version was actually all in pastels and colored pencil . This version was originally going to be a commission, but the client decided they did not want it anymore, so i kept it :) FOR ME: this piece represents male sexuality, and the creative drive behind art, sex, music, and life itself.

also, this painting is not technically done. I am not happy with it right now and don't consider it finished, but i am notorious about abandoning paintings for months or even years before i finish them . Hope that gives a little insight :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 65070.55
ETH 3147.10
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55