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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/01/17> “Will Eat BBQ 4 U” … Vol.01 UPDATE on Lost Pines BBQ

in #blog7 years ago

That knowledge comes from years of tasting experience, and the stack sizes of the wood out back.

This is great. I wonder which one of these things your conclusion relies more upon... haha

Anyhow, it's great to hear that you went back to follow up and finish the story, and it looks like you got some great BBQ as well.

I like your advice about getting sauce on the side. I always do that here in VA or when I would go to BBQ places in NC. Especially if the restaurant specializes in BBQ, you've always gotta give the plain meat a taste before adding things to it.

I'm glad you've started to implement photos into your posts. This post was made so much better by adding the pictures. Thanks for sharing!


I remember the first time I had a BBQ sandwich in the little town of Hernando, Mississippi, I ordered a BBQ sandwich and being from Texas, I expected beef brisket. I got the sandwich, sat down and unwrapped it, and promptly took a big bite of it. It took about two seconds for me to spit everything out of my mouth and onto the floor.
The sandwich was Pork, and to make matters worse they put Cole slaw on the dang sandwich. Talk about taste bud confusion, my taste buds hit the reject button, full tilt. Needless to say, the rest of it went in the trash can. When you expect one thing and get another, the end result can sometimes be a mess.
I guess the old saying is true, a picture is worth a thousand words, since I don't type fast I just might start using a bunch more.
Thanks for your continued support and suggestions, they are truly appreciated.

Ah yes, BBQ means beef brisket there. I'm used to the pork BBQ. Not a fan of cole slaw, but I do enjoy pork BBQ. I'm not sure that I've ever had Texas style BBQ, so if I ever visit Texas, I'll be sure to get some.

You're very welcome for the suggestions! Glad you're still blogging away. Keep up the good work!

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