
hah right, I'm trying to get the post right , but I need lots of time as it stands, I'm still redacting and figuring out how to form it, I can't spend all day blogging and that's the only way I would make it by 6 days "D , why do I put deadlines on some imaginary lines , challenges, so far I can give it to you short,

stretch twist and warm up with movements, make sure you give your whole body a thorough "look" even if it takes half an hour or more if you need to , just take it slow and be gentle,

then 5-10-20 minutes of running, if you can or walk if you must, I run to the park , maybe do a lap there or two , but not in the winter, too taxing , it's fun but I can't do it everyday, I'm not relaxed after training if I push myself too hard , so yeah after the run ,

pushups, squats , bring one leg forward and "kneel" with the back one , if you have bars in a close vicinity use those , pull ups ,if you can do them slowly, that's the best way to train since your muscles will fully flex , but if you are weak in the arms or big in the stomach , take your time , don't rush and strain or injure yourself, if you aren't training regularly, take it slow for the first month or so, until you are stretched and you body has gotten used to the stress of going out and doing something "unimaginable"

stretch between exercises and repeat I'm quite weak(laving your regime for months does that to you :D) so I do something like 5 pull up series 2-3-4 times then lower to 3 , I'm still trying to return to form and do the powerpull or whatever it's called(the one where you end up on top of the bar) in between once or twice to gauge my power and I do lots of rotations of the waist , spine, arms elbows, head, ankles and knees , just be careful with your ligaments again between the series, also stretch out my arms to the side and my spine back and forth on a tree or wherever I can grab on , but without images it's hard to imagine i suppose,

So I do a full body exercise , every day, sometimes I even train 3 times a day(summer) , walk during the morning and do some aerobic and movement type exercises, go for a run i the midday or ~9am after I do my morning walk also I do some pushups afterwards and some stretches and I have practices during the evening, by which time I'm very relaxed or burned out , so It's fun and I tend to focus on the movement rather than strength.

, depending on your goals there are many regiments , diets, I want to be fast, and fluent, to be able to do more with less and have a constitution that lasts, also be healthy active and relaxed, It's a hard wall to climb , but one day I will walk on it :D , the strongest part of me is my legs , but I've realized that neglecting the upper muscles is a big mistake for all the sitting I do , I've gotten a back nerve pinched two times from my sitting too wrong for too long and moving quick afterwards It's shit you can't rotate and cant move your head basically :D so that's why I'm always underline and emphasize the warm up and the "take it slow" approach , also if you rush you won't relax and enjoy your training , so the effects will be less. It's stress relief and time in the air

If you want to build muscle there are some materials out there, I'm trying to tie in one place , but will need a few days, but it's weight training and no way around that it seems, I'm not certain of the best approach , but it goes either train 6 days a week or 3/1 or even 1 day a week massive training (5 hours) in the case of the 3 days 1 rest it's arms(biceps triceps shoulders and 1 more I can't remember) yeah keep in mind I'm out of my comfort zone with muscle names , chest upper inner lower and back routines 1 of each per day , high protein diet, low carbs, take it slow I'm not subscribing to that :D I'm more on a vegetable fruit diet and cooked food stews and such. But I've heard wonders on the Ketogenic diet(it suffocates cancers since they feed on sugar because they are dead cells :D ), I'm linking you to a personal trainer that popped in my view a few days ago you can find good posts there,

and I guess I just finished mine :D , might pick some pieces from here. Cheers , thanks for stopping by < I will get the posts rolling when I can :) so far that's all I can say. My life has been dislocated by Steemit and I can't really drop my daily activities for ~30cents per day, even if I was making money it wouldn't do me any good unless its thousands , so since I cant put in the quality I would like because of the time that it needs I tend to "procrastinate" and slow down. Not a great practice, but it is what it is , either that or I don't comment or vote :D it would be better for me, but I like reading and writing more than making posts.

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