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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/16/18> More chem trails over the area… and Shortie has a birthday.

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

You're welcome! All of these chem trail theories are disturbing. Researchers are finding a plausible link between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease in humans. I stopped using antiperspirant decades ago because of the aluminum found in it and and won't use aluminum cookware either.

Fluoride is even more dangerous. There are much more effective ways to prevent tooth decay. My wife and I both stopped using fluorinated tooth paste years ago and have seen no increase in cavities. It's much more difficult to find an alternative to drinking the water. There are filtration systems that will remove it from your tap water but they're very costly. I guess health is important enough to make that sacrifice. The FDA has, without a doubt, been compromised by Big Pharma. Every person is responsible for maintaining their own health, doing their own research and drawing their own conclusions. Thanks for writing about this stuff!


We are on well water here at the house and so we don't have the fluoride to worry about in the water. Last time we had it tested last year it was real clean water.
There just is so much stuff that we know and don't know that makes it a real challenge to manage what a person needs to do. Seems like even the "studies" seem to end up conflicting with each other after a period of time, coffee is a prime example of that. First it is no good for you and then it is good for you. I guess it just depends on who is paying for the study.
I enjoy writing about stuff that should at least get people thinking and asking questions, never enough questions are asked about anything, in my opinion.

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