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RE: Men Are Being Forced To Pay Child Support On Children That Are Not Biologically Their Own

in #blog7 years ago

I have so much to say on this but I’m going hold my tongue on that since they are not my stories to tell. I’ve seen a few friends get raked over coals in court and had to pay child support to kids that were not theirs along with things like alimony. Even when the true father was known and was just free to go because that person was a lowlife that made next to no money.

Society has quite many issues even more so these days with peoples lack of moral compass, laziness and not being faithful to people. Along with someone needing to be blamed and named so bills are paid. I’m just glad I’ve never been in situations like these. Court tends to be rather unfavorable to men. Even more so when someone is forced to pay child support and not even allowed to have visiting rights to the kid. I’ve known a friend who had tossed away many years’ worth of paychecks just trying to get his kids away from psychopath they ended up with and no successes to come of it.

Granted there are also quite a number of ways for men to get out of paying their fair amount in child support and other things as well. So it’s not like it’s a one-way street either.

It’s just sad when kids land with people using them as a meal ticket. People who want the kids don’t even get visitation rights let alone full custody even after blowing insane amounts in the courts. Even worse the kids end up in a home that does not care about them being brainwashed there father is dead and was a deadbeat.

I had a friend who found out a couple years back not only was her dad, not a deadbeat dad but the mother more than likely spent most of the money she was getting out of him on drugs and other things (they lived rather poor because “he never sent money”.) Her mother passed away and while cleaning out the place found bank statements and court cases where the poor guy tried so many before giving up when she was only a couple of years old to get her back. That just one of the so many sad stories I’ve come to know.

I’m just blessed I never had issues like that in my life. I can’t imagine finding out such a thing and what that does to a person.


The cases where the real father is known and not made to be the responsible one are really sad. Once the real father is found there should be 100% no issues with making him pay for his own child/children.

It's also extra bad when any parent drags a child in on the drama. Like in the case you mentioned where the child is told the father is a dead beat and kept from him.

I also feel badly for the fathers who do not know they have a child. I am sure in many cases they are not informed. In those cases both the real father and the child miss out.

I know it's not a one-way street. I had a father who refused to pay child support, except for when they arrested him and put him on work release until he paid. Even then, he only paid or kept the job until he got out of jail.

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