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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/01/17> “Will Eat BBQ 4 U” … Vol.01 UPDATE on Lost Pines BBQ

in #blog7 years ago

I'm going to stop reading food posts before lunch or dinner. The descriptions of all that scrumptious stuff is just too much!! There is nothing like good barbecue when you're in the mood for it. The spicier the better.

I'm still looking for the perfect barbecue sauce recipe (the stuff in bottles is just awful!) But as I search, it gives us more chances to enjoy barbecued chicken / pork / hamburgers, that, while it may not be perfect is still darn good!!

Barbecue, cole slaw, baked beans, biscuits, baked potatoes (or fries!!) Mmmm-mmmm. As I said, there's nothing like it. (You and your food posts are going to do me in!!)


You will only be subjected to mine once a month, and it will only be BBQ. I don't feel that is to much torture to put anyone through reading and seeing delicious BBQ. After breakfast or dinner might be a good time, since you should have any hunger pains satisfied at that time. Thanks for dropping in and taking a bite.

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