4 steps to boosting your productivity

in #blog6 years ago

Working productively feels great. You get your tasks completed, you feel more satisfied with your day and you can realize your dreams step by step. With these simple tips, you can work more productively today!

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Working productively is good for your self-confidence

Whoever spends his days productively is usually more satisfied with himself than someone who lingers and shows procrastination. Productivity is good for your confidence because every day you can be proud of what you have achieved. You leave your work with a sense of accomplishment. You've got something done, you've gone ahead. Although many people try to become more productive by using complex project management systems, productivity is actually something quite simple. You are productive if you can work undisturbed on a task. If you can fully focus on one task for a longer period of time. The simple tips below will help you achieve this focus and work more productively.

1. Work with a small, simple task list

Stop with huge long lists. Write down briefly what you want to achieve today. What three things do you need to achieve today with a satisfied feeling to go home?

Be realistic and do not make the list too long. It is better to write down fewer tasks and eliminate them all than just mark off a long list for half. The feeling of completion is worth a lot, so do not ask too much of yourself.

Blind long task lists and scares off. If you see that you still have a whole lot of work for today, then it becomes attractive to linger. Keep it manageable for yourself and work with a very short task list.

2. Separate communication and creation from each other

Our modern society is largely about communicating and consuming. If you're not careful, you can fill your entire day with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, YouTube and of course all interesting websites with news and educational articles.

Do not lose yourself communication activities. Your work is often about creation. Creation is that which adds value to the world, and that with which you will eventually reach your goals and dreams. In addition, creation is often that for which you get paid and on the basis of which you are assessed.

So do your best to separate communication from creation. If you are creating, disable all distracting services. No Twitter updates, no mailbox open, no Whatsapp etc. Switch off the internet on your computer and your mobile if necessary. Give yourself the space to create.

3. Do not forget to enjoy your work

Work is more fun if you can enjoy it. It is not just about the end result, you can also enjoy the journey towards your goal.

For example, if you have to write a piece of text you can get baled, and work as hard as possible to finish it quickly. You can also try to enjoy writing. Make the environment nice for yourself, put a cup of tea, work with nice music, promise yourself a nice reward when you have completed the task.

Talk to yourself to encourage yourself. Say things like: "So, then I'm going to write." Breathe a few times deep in and out, relax. Be aware of the writing process, and enjoy the moment.

Your work is not just about the results. It becomes much easier to work productively if you do not forget to enjoy it. Work can be fun, but you have to make that choice yourself!

4. Reward yourself after a period of productive work

Have you worked productively for a period? Reward yourself with something you like. Give yourself permission to hang around for ten minutes on Facebook or to get a cup of coffee.

The bow cannot always be tense. By allowing moments of relaxation between the productive periods, you take some pressure from the boiler. You prevent yourself from suddenly longing for all those nice things on the internet during work. Give yourself the space to consume and communicate, and then continue to create.

You can decide yourself with which intermediates you do this. For example, choose to work for half an hour and relax for five minutes, or relax for ten minutes at a time.


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