The one and only seductive “tool”

in #blog6 years ago



Nowadays too much emphasis is given to appearance. The way you look defines who you are, your charm. I couldn’t disagree more. Of course at first sight the outside is what you see and you have to find it at least interesting in order to proceed to the inside but for me -and I hope for other people as well- the mind plays the most important role.

The “outside” is susceptible to time, it changes. So you cannot be based on it. In addition an astonishing look worths nothing without a bright mind. How many times you can find the most beautiful woman or the most handsome man unattractive because she/he has no humour, nothing to say and you can clearly notice a flat mind inside? (According to everyone’s standards this differs of course).

In order to be attracted to someone, you have to be inspired by his/her personality. Allured by the way he/she thinks. You have to admire the other person. Personally I think that relationships are based on a challenging interaction of minds and start from there -then it comes love, affection, care etc…

Being mentally attractive cannot be compared to anything. The mind is the one that dreams, that leads, that travels, that falls in love. Not the heart. The heart obeys and follows what the mind dictates. Don’t be fooled.


"The heart obeys and follows what the mind dictates" people who are ruled by their passions :-)
Not always for anyone, and certainly not for everyone. I know many people who are ruled by their passions.

"The mind is the one that dreams, that leads, that travels, that falls in love."
This is partially so. But the mind must be placed at the service of the spirit - just as the heart is placed at the service of the mind. Otherwise, you have wasted your life :-)

I agree with you.. Some people or even all of us sometimes, are driven by our passions.. However most of the times this doesn't end well.. One can say here that we have one life and we are "allowed" to act crazy from now and then.. Everything is "acceptable" since no big harm is done..

"the mind must be placed at the service of the spirit "
I couldn't agree more with that actually and I wonder why on earth did I not mention it in my post! Thank you for the complement! :)

καλα περα απο το γεγονος οτι σχεδον ολοι οι ανδρες κοιτανε εμφανιση κ σωμα κ ολες οι γυναικες λεφτα κ εμφανιση κανεις δεν το παραδεχεται. Ολοι θα πουν το κλασσικο "χαρακτηρας κ μυαλο πανω απο ολα" αλλα μολις δοθει η ευκαιρια αυτα θα μπουν σε δευτερη μοιρα :P

Το λογικο concept ωστε να υπαρξει μια σχεση ειναι οπως εγραψες κ εσυ να υπαρχει μια εξωτερικη ελξη πρωτα κ μετα να δοθει εμφαση στον χαρακτηρα κ το μυαλο αλλιως δν θα υπαρξει μελλον. Εκτος κ αν ο σκοπος δν ειναι η σχεση εξαρχης οποτε παω πασο :P

Κοίτα όπως είπες κι εσύ αν ο σκοπός δεν είναι η σχέση, τότε όλα παίζουν..

Η εμφάνιση σε πρώτη ανάγνωση σαφώς και παίζει ρόλο στο να δώσεις την ευκαιρία σε κάποιον να σου δείξει αυτό που είναι. Αλλά μέχρι εκεί.. Τώρα για τα λεφτά, το να είσαι με κάποιον μόνο γι' αυτό -ή έστω αν αυτό είναι το κυριότερο κριτήριο- είναι τουλάχιστον pathetic. Για πάααρα πολλούς λόγους..

Άρα ο χαρακτήρας, το μυαλό και το να εκπέμπετε στο ίδιο μήκος κύματος είναι αυτά που θα κρατήσουν μια σχέση. Δεν μένει κάτι άλλο.

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