The little things matters

in #blog6 years ago

"It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen."- John Wooden.

Never write yourself off because you think you are too small or not as big as the other guy doing the same thing as you. You are more stronger as a person if you understand the power in the little details that surrounds you.

I Feel Blessed!

Take no heed in size, seize the moment as it comes to you and I can most definitely assure you that, there will be more wins for you the little guy than for the big ones. the beauty with the little things as they pertain to details is that, like little nothings, when put together they become powerful and profitable than, one big thing that just seems not to be able yet to move.

Go all out and utilize the little things you have because, they are what you need to build the bigger ones you desire. Don't forget that, the big guys started out little as well.

Make the world a better place for someone today!

You’re absolutely right dear @ejemai, your yesterday and today’s post are so much blessings to me.

The value of life is never in the size of stuff but in the value applied.

Little with a quiet spirit is better that many with a vexation of the spirit.
Solomon the wisest

Still your brother and friend @maxdevalue

A little detail not taken into consideration can make a great idea to become a failure. Every great thing is a combination of little things put together. If you can't take one great leap like the other guy that you think is doing better than you, just take several little leaps.

Our problem is that we want to do it like the other guy. Whether it's one great leap or several little leaps put together, they all will lead to one destination - the top.

We should stop trying to be like others. If we can be consistent with our little strength and efforts, we will certainly get to our dream destination.
Thanks for the inspiring piece.

Truly little things matters a lot and funny enough we tend to ignore those little things and focus more on big things not knowing that even those big things were once small.
Nice1 friend

Little things in themselves are not little because everything grows only if we give it time. Every little good or bad behaviour has a potency of growing into a character.

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