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RE: Let's Talk About Fees & Functionality Coming in the @tippy Text-to-Tip Service!

in #blog7 years ago

You are absolutely right! I hope I was a bit of help to you. I always love it when people come of with cool services and are able to implemented them. I can only think of them, create the concept, market and sell it. Unfortunately I cannot code, but maybe fortunately as well, since everybody has their talents and mine is not necessarily coding, although I like to work with software people :) Wil be waiting for the service! :) Happy coding in the mean time :)


Anyone can code! I often explain to people that coding is simply a logic puzzle with a pre-determined set of functions or magic words you can use to make the system do what you want.

I truly appreciate you taking the time out of your day to brainstorm, explain and help shape the service I am building for our network.

While I've been coding in various shapes and forms for over a decade I only in the past few years seriously started making an attempt at becoming fluent with my programming. While I've come a long way I still have a lifetime of learning to do and nearly every day or two I have a breakthrough in the way I design, code and integrate ideas into my projects.

Have a good one sir!

Anyone can code!

Anybody who has a logical and analytical mind can do indeed. In my uni years I programmed PDP11, machine language. Also did some Pascal (before the whole C/C+/C++ was around), and then some ANSI C when I was a researcher. After that when starting my 'real' career, I spend my time at the cross roads of engineering, marketing, sales.

Have a good one sir!

Your most welcome!

For me it was mIRCscript over a decade ago that got me started..! I was extremely fortunate to have a father that was nerdy and some of my earliest memories are of our old monochrome IBM machine with windows 3.1.

Had Commodore 64's in kindergarden and spent more time in front of a computer in my youth than is likely healthy or acceptable.

In the end I went out and tried the tradesmen thing, electrician work, welding, carpentry... No menial physical labour job was worth the pay so in my mid 20's I crashed and burned a bit only to find out about Bitcoin and crypto..

My life since discovering the ability to create my own brand and trade my marketable skills to make a living has been extremely unpredictable but I much prefer to work hard while struggling to create my future and meet my goals.. The 9 to 5 tax-payer, make the boss rich and be thankful for a job shit isn't something I can force myself to do now that I know I'm capable of turning ideas into reality. The closest I'll ever get to being a god is the ability to create with code, word and drawing.. And I'm ok with that.

Cool! :) I agree 9-to-5 is not for me as well...never had that mentality as employee though... switched from employee to employer some years ago :)

Some men are leaders or rulers, others aren't capable of thinking beyond what they were taught in schools.. I view countries as tax farms, governments as gangs in business suits and the whole current economic system as a terrible friggin' joke.

Ever since we moved away from the gold backed standard the thought of putting ones life hours in the garbage to earn endlessly printed fiat monopoly money is nothing short of ridiculous... Sadly most people believe that their govt, dollars and society exist to benefit them.

As long as the internet exists I will be able to survive on my knowledge and skill without ever having to force myself to go slave for worthless fiat.

Cryptocurrency, coding and charisma set me free. I wish more people were able to break away from the fugazi without having to crash and burn as I once did.

I live in between; Can't throw the old out, while the new is still a baby and not proven. Reality in my view is: crypto and fiat shall be bridged in many ways, let commercial businesses pay partially in crypto and partially in fiat to be allowed to use the services, eg here on Steemit. That gives funds people can pay there bills with and the crypto can stay as volatile as it is. Only in time and market cap, number of coins, and stable services/fund flows, stability in the coins will happen. Use the commercial businesses to speed this up big time. Anyway, just my humble opinion, being a little less a revolutionair rather a pragmatist. Need to find some drink and bed. Enjoy your 48 hrs shift :)

I rarely hold fiat as the potential on BTC and other Crypto holdings is way better than the damn Canadian Dollar!

However that being said if BTC crashed tomorrow I'd be friggin' screwed. It used to bother me a lot more than it does now. Although after being to the top and the bottom nothing really irks me anymore.

I hopefully one day can find a way to live 100% without fiat. However I've not found a way to do so yet.. Rent still gets paid in fiat and the hope is to clear my debts in the next year and get myself a house to start building equity.

Excited for what the future holds and what will be created. I truly think as folks who are aware of crypto currencies we are a step ahead of the average joe.

Just about burnt out, It's been a long night / day but will likely convert the @tippy service to a flat fee and implement a few more features before I let myself rest.

Cheers man. Thank you for sharing your story and insight. Greatly appreciated.

Thank you as well! :)

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