Without a written to-do list I don't appear to do much. Do you have any time management advice?

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Much herbal medication and self reflection had me looking at my lack of ambition as of late. I work hard enough to pay bills and I mostly pay them on time. I have finished a book and started on another. I have played some games, and watched some programming. I spent time with my family, I have found time to go help my mom move block, and rock. I have done all the standard things. I have done nothing extra or beyond aside from my occasional post here.


Months ago I had much more ambition, ambition that went beyond the necessities I just listed. I spent lots of that extra ambition on learning and researching cryptocurrencies and posting on here. I don't feel any less excited about the possibilities or potential of crypto since I did when I first joined. Maybe there are just too many, there is just to much information out there. That should give me more to learn about, more to write about and I don't feel overwhelmed. I debated all these things trying to think of the cause.

Then, just before I posted this. I realized what it was. I have spent my life regimenting myself on paper. Listing my expectations, and forcing my later less ambitious self to follow through. I don't think I ever realized how important it was to me. How I need the asshole boss in me that get's things done to write it down so the laborer in me can't cut corners and delay jobs. The asshole boss is back to get the laborer on track.

How do you make your time more productive? Do you have any advice for me to pass along to the boss?

Woot woot,



It reminds me of what 'Master Po taught on 'ambition ... from the old TV series "Kung Fu"

Motivation is a tough one. You either have it or you don't. In my case, I'm not so much keeping a list of what I need to do as I'm keeping track of what I've done. My only expectation of me on Steemit is to do more than what I did the week before in at least some aspect of it, and only what I can control. Since I don't control the amount of rewards, that's not really my goal. I can only try to do more comments and posts and curating, and then when I find my upper limit, maintain it for as long as I can, or find some other more efficient way to do it.

I think that's pretty much worked for me in other projects I've had throughout my life and it seems to be holding true here. :)

That is a good strategy. Maintaining is sometimes hard for me. I am approaching my 1 year mark here. I am still here, so in some way I am maintaining. When I first came I was posting a couple times every day at least, it was a hard bar to keep that I set. I'm not interesting enough to warrant several posts a day lol, or I don't feel like it anyways. If I can just comment more in the near future, and maintain a few posts a week I will be satisfied I think.. temporarily at least!

It seems to me we all need to find our own way. And I hope there's not one single formula for success and satisfaction here. There's generally many ways to make things work, and one is definitely keeping oneself feeling like there's some purpose and meaning. At least that's the way it is for me.

I have fun when I'm doing something that actually has some kind of benefit. That's not to say I won't play games with my family or shoot hoops or go bowling, but even then I'm probably trying to improve upon something to keep myself entertained. I probably should work on having fun for fun's sake, but if I'm enjoying what I'm doing already, I'm not sure why I would want to change it.

Something that has been a pretty consistant source of laughs for me is finding old to-do lists and planners from over the years haha. I'm really terrible at the actual execution or maintence of them but, like most will-nillyers, periodically decide to get back on the organization train. Oh man, not only the fact that the content of my to do lists are hilarious reminders of what kind of stuff I was into at that point in time, or large nebulous ideas for recontructing society as we know it, but also my langauge to myself changes. Sometimes I pretend to be a very serious doer of stuffs, and other times I literally tell my punk ass to just call the bank already for fucks sake haha. Pure life gold ;)

Lol can so relate. I set daily targets but also monthly and quarterly ones. Mainly because i tend to do stuff in a burst and then go back to slacking mode. As long as everything's done when they need to be done, it's all good :)

I work in short powerful bursts as well it seems. I thrive on having tons of stuff to do at the last minute, or at least I think I do because I do it all the time lol.

Someone made a post on here suggesting that if you planned on doing something and are not going to get around to it.. don't do it all, but just go do 5 minutes worth. It was somewhat effective but it just gave me more time and reason to slack off!

When you get old you always have a to do list, just do not forget where you put it. Aging forces you even to write everything down even the pills you have to drink when.

Haha, I have made listen since I was younger.. once I start forgetting where I put them I will remember this comment!

I am in the same boat bud !! I got a new job which meant my whole time structure changed . What that means for me is that it all comes crumbling down gym schedule ,steemit writing time everything. I am trying to build it all back up again but as you say the asshole laborurer cuts corners and finds reasons not to call the gym and get them to change my contract to my new hours and so on and so forth. I have been flirting with getting super structured but the creative artist side in me coils in disgust at the idea. All I know is lack of structure is driving me mental and I need to do something .

Snap, sounds like we are in the same boat indeed yo.

@drpuffnstuff , same here about a lot of it..... I think I got jaded and like SO many others on here, got tired of seeing assholes jet to the top by hook or crook and it's hard to maintain the same momentum. Life happens and Crypto seems just like fiat on steroids and really the communities I actually like and creating content has strung me along. You support others on here and stand out, sometimes it's hard to just produce stuff in general. Puff n' Stuff,

Ya, we all move at our own pace with our own morals I
guess but it is sometimes disheartening to watch, in this way too Steem reflect real life lol. Thanks for all you do, you are appreciated.

as are you <3

I make my time productive through passion, I find what is passionate to me, what I'm crazy interested in, and I dive into it. Sometimes that means moving quickly between subjects, other times I'll spend years on the same thing, but I always just go with the flow. Me and lists don't get along unless they are for groceries ;)

Me either, lists aren't the best. But the slacking procrastinator in me is too strong and I have to try to write notes to keep him in check lol

I'm probably just lying to myself when I say I can go without lists. My strategy is planning and writing on google docs lately, excel sheets

The only advice I could offer you is consolatory. Even though good habits are harder to make a part of your routine they are just as hard to break once they are in place.
FYI - I need my asshole boss to lay into me all the time. I am a terrible (or wonderful, depending on how you look at it) procrastinator. I need to force myself into motivation constantly! The struggle is real!

I recalled I spent so much time being unproductive ( binge watch youtube and nothing was done). I did a kanban board, to do lists, pomodoro timer, anything you name it but none of them worked. I realized something was missing.

Not only having a technical side of to do lists, I believe willingness plays important role to be more productive. If both combined, you will most likely achieve productivity.

Hopefully that helps.

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