Happy Birthday to me in Jolly ole' England.

in #blog6 years ago

A birthday luncheon at the local in Bridge, Canterbury with my friend, Ivan the dog. I love that so many places are dog friendly here in the UK.


Today is my birthday and I am happy to be celebrating it in good ole' Blighty. The best birthday gift ever. It is true we hoped to have secured a house by now, but things are never done in our imagined shedules. One of my favourite sayings is:

If you want to make God laugh, make a plan.

He often laughs at me.

We are out to do something things today, so this shall be short. We have warm sun here in the South East, but yesterday we had rain rain, heavy rain. But, we were able to go to some wonderful antique marts in Faversham. It's such an interesting area and here the big ships sit in the sand waiting for the tide's return.

We think we may have found our dream place, but I don't like to consider it done until ink is dry on paper. But here is a very rainy shot of the house from the back garden. The garden is a dream! If we do get it, there shall be many garden posts and drawings I fear.

There are apple and quince trees and even a lovely four square veg garden with espaliered apples on the wall. I Adore a walled garden. We shall see.


I hope you all have a lovely day and I'll be hopefully able to get on this evening and try to reach out to some of you! Busy busy travel and to-doing on this fine Sunny Birthday.


Happy birthday Donna! I hope you get the house that you've been wanting, that would make a great bday present :).
England looks beautiful from your photos... more beautiful than what I remember it in my mind somehow.

Thank you so much @scrawly. My photos have been such pittiful ones as well. I've seen such beautiful things, but I forget to document as I get to 'into the moment.'

England is Beautiful, to me anyway, it's my favourite place in the entire world, if only I could become a UK citizen, I'd do it in a heartbeat :)


And good luck with the house. It looks great!

Thank you @ocrdu I hope this house works out we LOVE it. The garden is amazing and I can picture myself in it drawing. The local is great as well and just a few doors down, it's such a great little village.

And quince!! Top notch!! Happy birthday!

I couldn't believe the size of the quince! I have a quince in my little garden in my little 17th c house on Cape Cop, but they are like the size of plums, these quince were like a grapefruit! And the scent! Ahhh.

I hope it all goes well. It looks like hopefully in a week we can settle down. I miss proper commenting.

I hope it goes well for you too!

That is some big quince, I quite like it too!

Oh! Happy birthday @donnadavisart :D
My birthday is also this month!
I wish you all the best. May all your wishes come true in this new birthday year :)

Thank you SO much @abigail-dantes it was a lovely day for me!

Oh and another November child, are you a scoprio as well, for whatever that means or is worth. I'm never 100% on horoscopes, but whenever anyone who is asks me my sign and I reply Scorpio, they often gasp and say, "oh" so I haven't a clue what that is all about. Let's hope it's our superiority, we November bairns :)

Yes, my horoscope sign is Scorpio too. I have been informed before. The person who informed me about this also said that Scorpio people are characterized for being unafraid and mysterious. While I don't see myself as a mysterious person, I can confidently say I am not shy of facing my fears. But, I am not a horoscope believer and as I didn't want to challenge the nice woman who so passionately shared with me her knowledge about zodiac signs, I failed to ask her on what basis all this information has come about :) Either way, overall, it was a pleasant, lively conversation!

Wouldn't it be funny if the definition of a Scorpio sign was a non-belief IN the horoscope :) It'd make me smile anyway.

Happy Birthday, Donna !

Would love to see more of the house but we shall wait until the ink is dry :) The garden looks really lovely though ! English gardens are such beautiful things to me <3

oh , today! Happy birthday lovely Donna <3 wish you more inspirations and all the best wonderful girl

Thank you so much @adelepazzani. It was a lovely birthday as well, as I was just happy to be in England and I even got to dream about getting new furnishings for the house we THINK we may have got...still waiting to know 100%

Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To You....
Happy Birthdaaaayyy to YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Sung with a bit of off-key dds panache, with a slice of cherry rum cybercake to wash it down. If either of those things actually exist.

Either way, Oh happy day to you. I'm so glad you are enjoying M.O.E., and things are going well. Hope you get your house, it looks like a real gem. And a garden, you may never get back to the states. Looks divine, actually. And rainy, which adds some charm to it as well. (Gotta look for those silver linings, even in the darker sky clouds).
Well, just wanted to wish you a grand day, give Ivan the Dog a squeeze for me. What a cutey. However that's spelled. Have a nice...day? I think it's day about now. Cheerio and all that good stuff.

Oh joy, a b-day greeting from good ole' @ddschteinn. I feel we are old compatriots for some reason, like we've served in some past war and are able to just touch base after long intervals with a simple nod knowing how it was in the trenches of the Great War when I gave up my debutante gown to be a field nurse and you a foot soldier taken from the farm. (I'm not sure why you are a farmer in this odd memory story of mine? But who can contain the random flights of an artist abroad?!)

I did indeed have a happy day and I actually did the thing I WANTED to do, which for me was heaven. We were allowed entrance for the day into the house we are HOPING to take (we are still waiting on all the paperwork as two of my party, 3 in total, are American's and our banking and etc seems to need the fine tooth comb!) And we spend hours measuring rooms and writing down little marks in our books to dream up where furniture will go and what room should be for whom. Etc. I am very happy, if we do get this place, for my studio. We shall see... never count your chickens and all that.

Thank you again for birthday wishes.

Thank you so kindly :)

Happy Birthday Donna, I hope the rain didnt dampen your day

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