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RE: Happy Birthday to me in Jolly ole' England.

in #blog6 years ago

Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To You....
Happy Birthdaaaayyy to YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Sung with a bit of off-key dds panache, with a slice of cherry rum cybercake to wash it down. If either of those things actually exist.

Either way, Oh happy day to you. I'm so glad you are enjoying M.O.E., and things are going well. Hope you get your house, it looks like a real gem. And a garden, you may never get back to the states. Looks divine, actually. And rainy, which adds some charm to it as well. (Gotta look for those silver linings, even in the darker sky clouds).
Well, just wanted to wish you a grand day, give Ivan the Dog a squeeze for me. What a cutey. However that's spelled. Have a I think it's day about now. Cheerio and all that good stuff.


Oh joy, a b-day greeting from good ole' @ddschteinn. I feel we are old compatriots for some reason, like we've served in some past war and are able to just touch base after long intervals with a simple nod knowing how it was in the trenches of the Great War when I gave up my debutante gown to be a field nurse and you a foot soldier taken from the farm. (I'm not sure why you are a farmer in this odd memory story of mine? But who can contain the random flights of an artist abroad?!)

I did indeed have a happy day and I actually did the thing I WANTED to do, which for me was heaven. We were allowed entrance for the day into the house we are HOPING to take (we are still waiting on all the paperwork as two of my party, 3 in total, are American's and our banking and etc seems to need the fine tooth comb!) And we spend hours measuring rooms and writing down little marks in our books to dream up where furniture will go and what room should be for whom. Etc. I am very happy, if we do get this place, for my studio. We shall see... never count your chickens and all that.

Thank you again for birthday wishes.

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