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RE: Has Alex Jones set himself up for a world of hurt...?

in #blog6 years ago

"Gun-toting" s/b replaced w/ "gun-owners" is what you are saying? It's in the paradigm, of Left vs. Right, that Jones and "Q" keep everybody focused. This is why they are both controlled opposition. Anything the left says that gives you the creeps, in the form of connotations, is part and parcel for the course. Be offended, choose a side and most importantly fight amongst yourselves!!!


If you cannot see that the left is clearly and actively trying to destroy the country. I don't know how to help you, maybe I can share a few examples.

They want Americans disarmed, despite the second amendment. They want Illegal immigration, as opposed to extreme vetting that would weed out criminals and terrorists. They want people to be tolerant. Yet, they themselves are intolerant to everyone who doesn't believe and or speak exactly as they do. They want "free health" care which turned out to not-only-not-be-free, but also the most expensive and worthless healthcare in America's history. They want a free college education. Yet, they don't have the brains to realize that their "free education" is something that they would pay for in increased taxes for the rest of their lives. The left has become very radical and pure poison. Unfortunately, it's mostly because they'eve been brainwashed and do not know how to think. There is a real information war going on and the best way to wake people up is to challenge their belief systems and educate them as often as possible. Or we could just let the left to turn America into Venezuela. What would you rather see people focus on @dexterdumb?

This is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm not a lefty by any means. My slightest opposition to your comment leads you to assume I'm on the other side, as if there are only 2. This IS the left vs right paradigm I'm talking about.
I admonish radical leftism more than you do probably. The point is there is a gigantic grey area that most of us exist in. The left vs right paradigm is meant to polarize the population so that those who control the strings can continue to loot because the camp on one side doesn't like the other. So they want to fight about "fringe issues". ie. gun control, abortion, healthcare. W/e keeps us fighting amongst ourselves serves the string pullers on the left and right side. What they won't tell you is that THEY actually work together. A one world gov't is the end-game and we'll get there using fascist or communist means, it doesn't matter to the string pullers which pill we swallow as long as it's one of the pills they are prescribing.
In summary, the truth of all matters is somewhere in the middle. ;)

Well, you say those are fringe issues. What is
it that you would rather see people focus on?
They are using gradualism to push for a
one world order. This means they need to dis-
mantle the foundation of society piece by piece
incrementally. It might seem fringe to you but
the second amendment for example is very
important. You have to disarm a population
before you can successfully conquer them.
What issues would you say are not fringe?
Or where, in your opinion, do you think that
people should be focusing their attention on?

It's not fringe in it's scope of importance. I agree w/u 100%. What is meant by fringe is it's on the outside of major issues, such as gov't waste and theft of tax dollars (this is my primary for attention focusing). For example the trillion dollars that was unaccounted for and was scheduled to be announced to the populace in and around the same day 9/11 occured. Education on how powerful banking individuals and institutions are stealing money and then using that money to propagandize the same population. This occurs are such a large scale globally at this point, there simply isn't anything more worth a person's time and protest march against. This is why the media hypes up the fringe issues and stirs up a bunch of shit. This is their #1 job.
See the thing is no one likes being lied to/stolen from. How much time would ppl on the left or right spend bickering over compelled language if they knew how they were being robbed blind. You would see the fringe issues disappear from the narrative. A new organic narrative would spawn and those that pull the strings would be shitting themselves. This is why a financial education about banking and the roll of forced legislation in favor of the same few men/women, over and over again, would put a stop to the arguing. String pullers have no interest in that. Hence CNN and the rest have gone full retard the deflect attention onto the "fringe".

:D actually, I'm accutely aware of those issues (see comments). Yet, I am also concerned with other issues too, it's all corrupt to the core.

I didn't doubt for a second. You seem like a sharp fella! These are my priorities, and entertaining the thoughts of hucksters and imbeciles (FOX vs CNN), is not. ;)

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