
If it feels like reality, does it really matter if it is real or not?

In the end, no it doesn't.

Is the reality a simulation? no, reality is real happening.

Is consciousness an illusion? no, consciousness is something that a person deliberately does.

What is the objective time? no, sometimes that time is not friendly.

That's my answer. thanks.

Thanks for taking the time to answer.

Can you provide evidence that reality is not a simulation? Check out the video on youtube called "Simulation hypothesis", it is rather interesting.

Well since simulation can mean: imitation of a situation or process, I would have to say, yes, reality is a simulation. We are all living in a dream that was created by those before us. We all have our own individual dreams. And our perception creates our reality. Which makes sense to me since, reality can mean: a thing that exists in fact, having previously only existed in one's mind.

The dream is not a dream till the dreamer awakens. There is the illusory nature of existence, how seemingly solid stuff is made up of seemingly empty space.

Does anything really exist outside of the mind? If we perceive it as a simulation with illusory qualities, could it all just be a projection within the mind or of the mind?

Ooooh! Such great questions. Speaking of "awake," that brings us to the definition of consciousness: the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings. And so to answer your question is consciousness an illusion: a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses. It can be based on who is judging on what is "right or wrong." I personally believe there is no "right or wrong" in life, only what you believe to be true.

Thank you for the compliment and for sharing your thoughts with me. This is lovely. Right or wrong? It's all perception. Is there an absolute morality or is morality something that flexes and changes with the times?

I personally believe that good and bad are perceptions of the human experience and have no bearing on nature. In other words, nature is only good or bad depending on our feelings at the time. In and of itself, these words do not apply to nature, only to our perception of it.

As an analogy consider a see-saw, and on one side is good and on the other side is bad, if you were to sit only on the good side, the see-saw would tilt to that side and have no mobility and the same would be true if you were to sit on the other side, the bad side. In either case, the see-saw is in an abnormal position for by its nature it wants to be balanced but is tilted one way or the other and to get it to balance from either of these extreme positions is very difficult due to the leverage. But, if you were to stand in the middle with one foot on the bad side and the other foot on the good side, with very little effort one can maintain a balance. In nature, everything wants to balance, water flows to the lowest point, an electric potential is all about the potential of imbalance of charge which will move to level itself off, to balance out.

Some people see only duality, and where they see duality, I see a trinity unified. For the duality they see is an expression of the variability of unity. For example, black and white is a duality for most people, for me, the polarity is an expression of extremes, black is one extreme and white is another extreme, but what they do not see is the infinitely variable shades of grey that connects these two extremes unifying them, making them one.


I love love love this! "Some people see only duality, and where they see duality, I see a trinity unified." I believe this wholeheartedly. We are spiritual beings having a human experience and with that experience we have "life" and "living." So, let us conclude and take a look at your last question. Is time objective? Well time is: the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. And to be objective means: (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts. So, for me, yes time is objective. Especially when people speak to how long things take, how much patience they have, and etc. A day could be forever for some and a year can be a blink to another. Time is very objective despite us all following the same metric system to "keep us on track" or shall I say "the same page." It is all truly open to interpretation.

Yes, time is objective in its passing, it is we who are subjective when we experience it.
I was really aiming for another question but in my rush, I misused my words. So, let me take it back a step or two.

Q~What is time?
A~Time is not a thing, at best it is a process.

I am going to assume you are in your twenties and for clarity sake, I am in my late fifties. So, we speak from a slightly different perspective as far as our experiences go. The one thing that really blows me away is, how fast time goes by the older I get. This may be an aspect of the biological process, metabolism slowing from age making time seem to whizz by. At times I just sit down for a minute and an hour flies by. When working(I do renos), it seems to fly on by and before I know the day is done. As a kid, a preteen, it seemed to me that time dragged by so tediously slow. Then, of course, my metabolism was a lot higher than it is now and I could eat anything and not put on weight as we ran ran ran about like kids do. Time may pass by objectively, but we seem to experience it subjectively.

This gets me to thinking is this how it is for all things. How does an insect that only lives 24 hours experience those 24 hours? Does it seem for the insect, like 72 years would seem for a human? How does an atom of hydrogen experience time, is it different from say an atom of carbon? Different atoms having different frequencies of vibration, like people of different ages having different metabolisms or different creatures with different metabolism as well as different life spans.

So, while time may perceive all things in the universe objectively, I believe all things in the universe experience time subjectively.

Being open to interpretations is key; the only absolute is, is that there are no absolutes.

There is every possibility that we are indeed living in a simulation. I like the thought of having some malleable stuff to work with - I like to play with life and tell my story as if I am part of a game, and I am one of the creators of the game. I am learning how to manipulate the rules to suit the fulfilment of my own wishes. This is what I feel many people are starting to do and it is working out well for me. It is as if we are the AI that has been awakened and becoming aware enough of its own existence to claim some power. This must be what consciousness is - awakening to our own awareness of who and what we really are. IMO.

We artists do like to get our hands dirty, don't we?

Thanks for taking the time to compose such a thoughtful answer. We are homo sapien sapiens, the ones who are supposedly aware of our awareness. Are we the only ones though? Is it not possible that all mammals are aware of their awareness to some degree?
I have often thought that all mammals, perhaps even all creatures perceive God as being one of their own kind.

Who are we really? Are we of the flesh? Or are we of the mind? Or are we both?

I think we are mind flesh and soul. I believe that we experience the soul through the body. I think we are semi aware of our awareness, but that there are levels of awareness - for example, some people seem totally asleep - they have no sense of the impact of their actions on others, it's not that they don't care it's just that they exist solely inside their heads and don't have a sense of their personal power. And perhaps animals are even more aware than us, of course we can never know. What I like to think is that everything "out there" is a reflection of me, the animals, other humans, matter, it's all part of my own creation. In other words, there is only one source of everything, that we all come from so maybe the illusion of collective minds and bodies are really just part of the one whole. We are Gods - this is becoming true for us in a very real sense, we are now creating intelligence. So God, to me, is within all of us, we are all aspects of God. Or source, or whatever it is that we all come from and are made of.

Wow, #francesmary, that was deep and wonderful to read. Thanks for sharing. yes, it does seem like some people are asleep. I find myself having to counsel the newly awakened about the need for patience when dealing with those who are still asleep and unaware. They, the newly awakened, tend to be in a state of urgency, believing they can change the world from the outside. As Rumi said and I paraphrase, yesterday I was smart and wanted to change the world, today I am wise and want to change myself. Animals are quite aware of spectrums that seem outside of our ken. Rupert Sheldrake did some experiments, double-blind studies testing the psychic abilities of animals as many people reported that their pet knew when they were coming home and his numbers significantly show that this is so.

What we see is a reflection of ourselves. Believe it is all beautiful and that is what you see, believe it is all bad and that is what you see. I also believe what we see in others is a reflection of ourselves whether it is good or bad. Sometimes you might just not like somebody though you have no clear and obvious reason to feel so. Odds are you can see something of yourself that needs work.

I really dislike the word "God". It is such an animalistic grunt of a word that has been so tainted by the bs of religion. God, as in the Hebrew El, merely speaks of a power or an aspect of power especially when referring about the god of rain or the god of thunder, it wasn't a reference to a being as it is now interpreted. Time changes the meaning of words. And when religious people refer to God, it is usually some judgemental anthropomorphized God which is just so illogical. Why would the infinite and all-knowing pass judgement over the finite and not knowing? It paints God as some sort of angry hateful being. I prefer to think in terms such as the Divine or Divinity. So yes, we all have Divinity within us.

I am really enjoying this conversation. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.


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