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RE: Fixing your own mental illness....A perspective from someone who was mentally ill. SESSION 1.

in #blog6 years ago

I did answer the question, you just chose to ignore it.

So I would say personal freedom is a right if you are being a fundamentally good person.

It is saying yes everyone deserves personal freedom, as long as you don't rob that freedom from someone else by killing or harming them.

That's not sociopathic, that's the very opposite of that.

It's No different than me saying 'Are there two colors on chess board squares?'( black and white)?

..., and you replying with '..there is never actually a true black or white, it doesn't exist, and look where the paint has bled from one square to another? - it's not even a true square!

It's very, very different from that. A chess board is black and white. Human issues are not.

It's more like asking should women who are more than 28 weeks pregnant be allowed to have an abortion?

That is not a yes/no answer because the issues are complex. For instance what if giving birth to that child will kill both mother and child?

So come on then, should women over 28 weeks pregnant be allowed to abort their babies? Answer yes or no! Anything else is mentally ill! Lol

What you are actually saying here is; agree with me or you are a mentally ill psychopath and/or sociopath.

If I said that to you what would you think?



So come on then, should women over 28 weeks pregnant be allowed to abort their babies? Answer yes or no!

...One strategy often employed by the ego/ intellectual alliance, is avoidance by trying to throw in as many different things into the mix, to muddy issues,
rather than just walking it through step by step.

Simplicity is the enemy of the ego/ intellectual alliance...Not because it's incorrect, but because it breaks the relationship...

Anything else is mentally ill! Lol

Excellent ! Does it make uncomfortable to just answer the question without any caveats, or' if ' or 'but's'?.

It IS a yes or no question (step 1).

Lucylin - Does everyone have a right to personal freedom, that is a yes/no answer.

Cryptogee - Well, yes, if they haven't interfered with anyone else's freedoms.

Lucylin - There are no caveats, it's a yes/no answer. If you don't agree with me you are mentally ill.

Cryptogee - LOL!


Cryptogee - Well, yes, if they haven't interfered with anyone else's freedoms.

the ' ifs' and 'but's' are for later ...step by step..

Your reticence to simply agree (or disagree) is quite...(

temp.jpg fascinating.)

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