The unique philosophy of science fiction without borders
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Homer describes it at the time of disseminating the Odyssey, imagine if George Lucas the creator of Star war, which is a follower of the saga, had lived in the time of Plantón, which character was, we also have to voyageur philosophe dans un pays inconnu aux habitants de la Terre (1761) by Daniel Jost de Villeneuve, only this philosophy tries to speculate about the real world, since humanity waits without borders, because the scientific method usually goes through the construction of models mathematical, very complex to study in this way to achieve a more schematic models, it is about looking for formal empirical approaches, to then make a modeling. Star Trek: beyond is another example in a hypothetical universe of the Enterprise, it does not suffer from any impediment at the time of facing each new space adventure, knowledge evolves to the point that science fiction became culture, in such a way that science in the conquest of the field of physics is already the branch of quantum physics, of the quantum universe that we do not see but exists, we are already in the era of the conquest of space, which orbit in satellite space and probes, for data collection, already studied the black holes, the sound barrier was broken, just by having a bit of fiction to affirm something hypothetical, just think and fly your imagination that tomorrow your fiction is a contribution to tomorrow's furo