How to Spend Your Sickleave - Indulging with Vikings and Witcher

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

How can you not love a shirtless muscular man covered in blood jumping from behind a shield wall smashing everyone with his huge battle axe?

My sick leave is over and Friday went flying past me; 2 work days, 5 off days. Wouldn't mind if it was always like this. I had a lot of time on my hands and I used some of it to my advantage by doing my PC nostalgia post on my first sick leave day.

But on the following two days I indulged with Vikings (tv-series) and games...

enter image description here

"Is that really necessary? I really don't see the point." (Spoiler: Maybe it's because you're eyes closed, dumb Witcher.)

"Just... bring 'em!"

Screenshots from Witcher 1

I had heard how good of a game Witcher 3 is so I purchased it during Steam sales. But at the same time I purchased the two previous games: Witcher 1 and Witcher 2 Assasins of Kings because even though Witcher 3 is playable as its own I just can't let myself skip the first two; if I started from the 3rd, they would never get played.

Witcher 1 is an old game and hasn't aged very well; its combat is pretty awkward and it sometimes stutters in places like cities whatever you did. 2 felt like a huge upgrade compared to the first almost in any way; except you can't drink potions during combat like in the first. And it has a hard to follow storyline but being almost halfway in, I'm finally getting the hand of the plot of it.

But I definitely understand why people wouldn't go through the pain of the first two games but I'm pretty sure I can appreciate the 3rd even more after I've gone through the previous games.


Just finished Witcher 2 and started the 3rd and it indeed hasn't been praised for nothing; only few hours in I can see it's better in every way compared to the first two games.

...and with these chocolate cookies.

triplechocolate cookies.JPG

Since I'm gluten free I usually don't eat cookies at all because the gluten free one's used to be bit expensive and not so good quality. But these cookies are just way too good. Unfortunately I had opened the Pandoras box by trying them out so, can't reverse that anymore, even by smashing that cookie box. I'll keep my new addiction in check and won't eat them everyday, only every week, maybe.

But at least I had something to bring balance:

Broccoli green tea

enter image description here

Wow. That actually doesn't look green at all. Good job photographer (me).

How did I come up with this?

I actually just boiled some broccoli and while looking at the boil left over water I thought: "That water must be full of nutrients. Shame to waste it." Then I realized why not just use it like regular water for green tea.

the good stuff.JPG

Gotta save the good stuff.

Guess what? It's actually pretty good! It has slightly sweet flavor in it with the obvious broccoli aroma in it. So if you dislike broccoli it's probably no go but I'm personally a friend of it.


Apparently "Kappa" means Cucumber Roll in Japanese. You learn something new everyday.

I had such a blogger moment when I realized I brought my tea cup next to a living room window just to take a nice picture of it. Btw, my friend bought that muck as a gift from his visit in Japan. It was a good choice, I like it.

I also took a walk outside in the February winter wonderland in the near forest and did a first attempt of filming myself talking in the woods (vlog's; that's what I've heard them call) but I'm irrationally afraid of viewing the result of it, haha, silly me. I've never done anything like that before. Oh well, what can you do being an irrational insecure representative of the species of homo sapiens.



Broccoli green tea. Hmm.. Maybe worth trying! I like broccoli and green tea so I might try one day. My husband, on the other hand, would probably throw up even hearing about it xD

Maybe give some of your husband without mentioning the broccoli and see if he sees anything odd :D

Hah, I've used that strategy with mushrooms in different sauses. :D He slowly got used to mushrooms and likes them now!

I hope you are feeling better now! ^^ after 3months of sick leave it’s kinda awful to go back work. 2:5 ratio would suit for me too 😂

Broccoli tea sounds kinda disgusting but i agree not to waste good nutrions!

Ps. Still no e-mail from chat??

Thanks @escapist, I'm already well by now.

Broccoli tea sounds kinda disgusting but i agree not to waste good nutrions!

Haha, I know it sounds kinda disgusting.

after 3months of sick leave it’s kinda awful to go back work. 2:5 ratio would suit for me too 😂

One can only dream for such ideal becoming reality...

Ps. Still no e-mail from chat??

Weird; I never got a verify email but I was able to get in there by replacing my password by email so I'm finally there.

Kappa is also a kind of mythical beast ;-)

2 days of work every week, sounds like my life....I can only survive because I got my living expenses down to I'm working up from there, trying to find more things that pay that don't feel like work. :-D you should do it this way if you can!

Kappa is also a kind of mythical beast ;-)

Yeah, I remember finding that by google also.

2 days of work every week, sounds like my life....I can only survive because I got my living expenses down to I'm working up from there, trying to find more things that pay that don't feel like work. :-D you should do it this way if you can!

Well, I'm pretty much doing that already since I'm living with my parents, haha. Food check, shelter check, Internet check.


By prioritizing only the bare necessities, I manage to focus most of my energy on passions which could potentially earn money, and I try to be idealistic with them so I don’t compromise the artistic integrity or my desire to’s been a long road but it’s finally all coming together, I hope it can for all of us!

That's great to hear! Being artistically authentic sure is something to strive for, even better if it could earn a living, and why shouldn't it?

Vikings are my favorite show besides Game of Thrones. Did you watch all the episodes until now?

I might like Vikings even over Game of Thrones, even though it's undoubtly one of the greates series. I've watched Seasons 1-3 by now.

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