@bloom Flag Stalker Strikes Again

in #blog6 years ago

My mailbox has been filling up with information on @bloom, Numerous Highly Credible Sources, Who Wish To Remain Anonymous, for obvious reasons.

One Such Source , Mr. T- SWEARS on his own life & that of beloved mama, that he captured this IMAGE of @bloom, during a particularly unpleasant encounter, that left Mr. T blind in his left eye for three weeks from the Visual Assault. Mr. wrote it took him 4 Whole Days of Bathing to get the Smell off him- from the Stink Bomb @bloom blew off out @blooms rear-end.


This same Highly credible source Mr. T also forwarded a photo of @bloom's fiance back in 1992. That's 26 years ago folks. Does anyone out there know who this lady is, or if she is still dating @bloom?


I'm already on @bloom's flag list. I'm not here for the Popularity Contest or Steem $. I do not mind Exposing the Truth. So if any one else with Credible Evidence as to WHo @bloom really is, Where he lives, who his friends are, how @bloom finances his flag war, Basically any Credible info on @bloom you want to Expose- just send me message. As Everyone who knows me knows 2 things-

1- I have a big mouth & will gladly spread the word.

2- I never, ever, ever NEVER do I Ever reveal a secret source or decent moral person who wishes to remain anonymous.


If I can accept an upvote, then I can ACCEPT a DOWNVOTE. I'm no Snowflake. The issue is, he justs DOWNVOTES EVERYTHING. Even posts that are not controversial. Unless of course, criticism of PEDOPHILES is Controversial to HIM. Which one would then logically conclude @bloom SUPPORTS pedophilia & the Blatantly non-stop sexulization of children.

Some interesting stuff on this site


Sandra Bollocks and a bunch of other trannies

I've seen mature eastern european women 50+ years old at the springs in their bathing suits & yes even bikinis. Some women not very many have a brow ridge, some deep set eyes, some square jawline. Very few with gig shoulders, but some have big shoulders, some women have LONG necks, know what happens to a woman's neck ? When a woman ages some necks get loose- not just at the jawline but in front where the cartilage is- it's not a shaved down adams apple- it's the sign of how some necks age.

We have round as an apple women & women stick straight with long lean limbs & tiny hips.I've paid a lot more attention to women over the past year. To say ALL these hollywood women are Men- I do not see it.

However I have personally been around 3 male to women transgenders & 1 female to male.

If the globo homo had not tried to PUSH this Agenda onto SOCIETY & ONTO KIDS- I never would have spent so much time on it. The more time I do spend- the MORE HORRIFYING I find it to be.

These surgeries do not go well. That is not the ONLY issue, but a very legit one. The more Time I think about this, the more I see how DAMAGING & EVIL- PURE 100% Evil it is- to try to Legitimize & Mainstream such a serious mental Illness. Let alone to PUSH Children in this direction.

There is a movie out from RT Russia Times a documentary about Transgenders- all the Transgenders interviewed ARE SORRY they did it. If you go on 4 chan or 8 chan on the tranny posts- you will see the photoa of the SURGIES gone wrong. Even the Surgeries done RIGHT- are a Nightmare beyond belief. There is no way you can surgically create a vagina or penis. PERIOD. There are many Major Medical issues resulting from these surgeries.

Also @Venonymous didi a recent ppost on Trannies & what they write on their chats to each other. go look at it. Pure Mental Illness & full of Bitter Bile & Vile for everyone on planet earth.

The 6 year old boy JAZZ Jennings whose Parents went on Oprah & later had their own Reality TV Show as they raised their 6 year old boy a girl. Jazz is 18 now. He just had bottom surgery. Did not go well. Jazz cried every day for 2 months straight in pain. Then went to have a 2nd revision surgery on his self described "Frankenstein Vagina"

This is one of the ESTABLISHMENTS Most High Profile Celebrity Cases they're trying to Push on the Public & on the kids especially.

The more I go into this, the more Horrifying it is. Even if one took out the GOD & Spiritual or Religious Issues-- Just what this does to people alone is evil & Morally reprehensible.

I've concluded the whole thing & everyone involved, including the DOCTORS prescribing hormone blockers to kids & the surgeons doing surgery on adults are all DEMONIC, Satanic, Ugly & Evil.


I'm still looking into all this - you know it was you that got me obsessed with this tranny stuff :)

The whole genitals thing is so confusing...

Some celebs like Cameron Diaz seem to have a penis but no testicles.

But others like Taylor Swift wear high pants to cover the male navel, but clearly have no male genitals.

So there is something else going on here - cloning, DNA, some advanced biological engineering?

Meanwhile the plebs with fucked up lives that they make docos about are just doing regular surgery and butchering themselves

The only thing I'm sure of is that all these celebs and female athletes are not female in the regular sense - Taylor Swift and Sarena Williams are certainly not real women!

Are you on Discord? - drop me a line

no, i am not. sorry.

I'm just sussing it out - it seems pretty handy - once you turn off the annoying sound alerts

Do you have my email? - I don't want to post it here with your stalker drooling all over your posts..

I can never work out if you are a genius or a troll but you make things more entertaining!


frot , i am neither a genius nor a troll.

I'm an aging woman, sitting at home, fighting the battle of bulge, trying hang onto my looks, make $ in crypto & provide a home for my niece.

I find it the affairs of the world, the usa, society & people - AT THIS POINT IN TIME / HISTORY- to be at some sort of a pivitol precipice. we could usher in a new era of freedom, luxury, art, prosperity, reach new spiritual heights & head out to colonize SPACE. The Final Frontier? Or is that just a bad Star Track - rip off.

Or we could go the Globo-Homo Sodom & Gomorrah , bestiality, pedophilia, tranny, transgender, microchip One World Slave System. With all sorts of Insanity, evils, misery & demons enslaving us.

Either way, it's a hell of a time to be ALIVE. Either way Humanity goes, I have no fears or sorrows for myself- But I do have those fears & concerns for the kids & children, those in my family & those in yours.

I have that general email of yours from your frot/sift website. I do not know that I have your other email. you can reach me, by sending me a DM on twitter "@caladiumCrypto".

Send me an email to the website address and I'll get it.

I always feel like you are one of the few people who gets this stuff and doesn't stick to the Steemit approved code of conduct (never offend anyone whose wallet or inner circle has a bigger combined wallet)

And I like that!

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