Work's trip in Luanda - Angola (África). Let's bring African power to steemit - first day two new steemers! - Challenge accepted!

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

Hello steemers, I'm at Luanda working for one week. And my wife that is working with me in our's steem projects propose me, to get every people I can get to steemit while I'm here. And I of course accepted her challenge!

Before I came to Luanda I was a little sad because I had to left my wife and my two little boys at home (Portugal) after a big phase in our life that I stayed one month without really be with them, give them the attention they deserve, help my wife with all the house work and the kids. Everything to stay focused in finishing my degree (very late by the way) but I finished! Eheh. But this is my work, I've to come here every two months more or less, my company have a lot of graphic equipment's installed here in Luanda so I have to fix all of machines (lol some of the machines). And that's what I will do until Monday morning.

And I also got sad because I had to slow some of my projects like the steemit editor, Portuguese community (already launched the first version) and others! I know that I could work here but it's difficult to have time because I spend all my day or inside a graphic fixing a machine or in the car and then after five different graphics I arrive to our guesthouse completely tired! But after some talks with my friend (@jsilva) and my wife (@cantinhodatete) we found a way to continue working at steemit while I'm working.

@cantinhodatete said:
> If you want to work there without overcharge yourself, you could get as many people you can get to steemit while you are at graphics! That is the best way to value the community and enlarge the Portuguese community also! If you get at least one person per day I take you on a especial date!

So I decided to start working in her proposal! Yesterday I made the first introduction and explanation of steemit in Portuguese to, because every people here in Luanda speaks Portuguese. So it's good to have a introduction in Portuguese to new users because is easiest for them to start that way.

And today we have two new steemers, @delsondc e @lexmagnus!

I explained how it works what they could do to start, show them the and gave them the support's email and they looks very excited about this. I also explain that will be a difficult start, because the majority of people here in Angola speaks very little English and tell to them that big profits just come with work and time. But I think with the Portuguese community growing they also could have a big share of that's growth.

The economic level of life of the majority of the population here are very low. And since the beginning of the year the crisis caused by the big drop of oil price worsened this situation. Angola had a huge breaking.

Angola produces and exports more petroleum that any other country in Africa, the state budget had a dependency of oil market upper than 70% and with the drop of the prices also the income of dollars are lesser, driving to big problems:

  • they are very dependent of importations
  • low income of dollars due to low price of oil
  • the government had to review the budget (canceled a lot of investments and reducing costs)
  • the reserves of other currencies starts to became very low
  • the banks have "no" dollars or euros to make transfers to exporters even if the company's have account in dollars in the bank the transfer doesn't go (my company does not receive at least three months of that has already been sent)
  • the kwanza (local currency) inflated 70/80% in the last seven months

It's a fucked situation here, if the oil price maintains they could continue living but without the crazy growth of the years before and now with a lot of restrictions and they need diversify the economy!

But this situation drive some people here to start using bitcoin. What helps me in our task to make steem bigger and stronger.

I hope to have very success with this project because of many reasons, but the biggest is because it's possible help many people here!

Thank you very much for your time spent in this article. If you like and want to support our projects vote and give us ideas.

Next days I will update on how my trip is going and how are our goals! And also show you Luanda! Stay alert..

> Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. - Thomas Edison (Inventor, 1847-1931)

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I've quit before succeeding every chance I've had... Never again - hold steady!

Recruit em all to the cause!!!

I will try

yeeeees. lets do it

Hey I noticed you are using the max amount of tags for this article... but did you know that you can easily spoof the system to allow for an additional tag?

Angola needs all the love it can get.

Keep up the good work!

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