I am a MAN not a GIRL or child!

in #blog6 years ago

I get made fun of EVERYDAY it seems by people who seem to think I look like a 15 year old girl! I am not 15 NOR am I a GIRL! I was BORN a MALE and I identify as MALE! I am 27 years old and a male, not a 15 year old female! It is frankly OFFENSIVE to call me a girl or to insult me on my age when I am not able to control how I look!

DNA makes you look how you do! It isn't my fault I look young and can't grow a beard at 27! I would LOVE to! But I can't! So I try my best to just be happy! I don't need your horseshit telling me I'm a girl or a child just because of how I look! I don't even get how I look like a female! I am so clearly a man if you ever talk to me you should know this! It almost feels like people are just mocking me and trying to make me feel bad!

Well for what it is worth, it does hurt, but it doesn't break me! It just is insulting and makes me feel like, WOW people really think so low of me! I go out places and know everyone is judging me on how I look! I'm not stupid, we all have that bias of how someone looks! But to know everywhere you go, everytime you go out, everytime you open you mouth, everytime you even look at someone, they think "Oh look at this 15 year old girl" it is like your opinion no longer matters and I get mocked or worse HIT ON BY GUYS!

I'm closer to 30 than 25! I'm a grown ass adult male, not some girl that is in high school! It is so frustrating and annoying to be treated like a child AND treated like a female when CLEARLY I am a male! People do it all the time, online, while I'm out in public, at a bar, with girls I want to talk to! It is always coming up! I don't see it! What is wrong with people that they just assume I must be a high school girl? I'm CLEARLY not! How much more fucking simple can it get! Sorry I don't have a huge beard and short hair! That make me look older and manly enough to avoid confusion! Sorry I can't grow facial hair at almost 28! DNA isn't my fault! To basically mock me and insult me by calling me a woman and child are HIGHLY offensive to me and not something I want to stand for!

Love when they tell me I'm the one being irrational for standing up to them and telling them SMB! Oh all of a sudden there is an issue? Telling you "Want to see my fucking penis?" isn't okay but saying "This highschool girl" when referencing me is? FUCK NO! That is so insulting and hurtful that you have no right to say it! Yet it is allowed! But the moment I say SUCK MY BALLS! WOAH all of a sudden I'm the bad guy!?!? WTF!?!? How is it okay to insult someone but when they call you out and say "need to see my penis to know what I am?" offensive?

They actually flag my posts (on fakebook) and try to get me banned over this crap! Call me a girl and a little kid, despite the fact that I am neither, then when I talk shit back to them try to get me banned! Sounds pretty messed up to me! People are really fucked up in the heads today! How the hell do you think any of that is okay? Couldn't just say sorry? NOooo lets get him banned because we made a mistake and can't admit wrong doing! Sounds like a REAL child ;)


Maybe at 30 you will hit puberty. ;) lol At least you don't look older than you are. #brightside

Doubt that I'v been waiting 15 years to grow facial hair! At 30 I'm going to roll out my "Anti Aging Youth Syrum" and at 100 finally look 21! I'm 200+ years old and will remain young for that time!

Sorry to hear that you are facing such problems. As we don't have any contribution on our body structure, we shouldn't make fun of others.

Posted using Partiko Android

It isn't fun.. I just want mutual respect from others! I give so much to others and try so hard to make things better for the world only to be talked down to like I am a child and called a girl/chick/etc and have women my own age not even bat an eye at me ever! I got used to no woman wanting me but to be called a girl really crosses the line and it happens like every day now! I don't get it, my friends and family tell me they don't get it either! No one thinks I look like a girl who knows me, so why do people assume it? I just don't get it!

I read you and really, I felt great commotion. Without a doubt, I'm glad to see that you stay very positive, life is short, life goes by very quickly and in the important thing is to always give the best of us, smile to life and show that despite any obstacle, we stand firm .
Unfortunately, we believe that since we are good, everyone is also good and it is not, there are cruel people, people who do not measure their words, who do not put themselves in the place of others and do not know that a simple word can destroy. Every person we see on the street has a lot of problems and it depends on us if we help them and we give color to their day or we fall into the worst ... Destroy and get worse.
My advice is to stay positive, I believe in God and I know that everything good that you do, will be returned to you in the best way. Embrace your loved ones, enjoy your life, live to the maximum without important what they say.
Also, from what I read you are very supportive, you have a huge heart and there is a phrase from "The Little Prince" that I love and is "The essential is invisible to the eyes". A being that transmits love, that is familiar, enterprising, respectful, kind is really a beautiful being. Although there may be times when you fall into a bit of pessimism, believe me there are people who enjoy that kind of beauty that by the way, is currently scarce.

Greetings and a big hug. Courage, you are great.


Just make money and don't listen to the hate. But i understand it's hard when people tell you things almost every day.

I see you're going through something strong, resilience. Society, family, friends, can make us feel bad with their perspective, the important thing is the value you give yourself. The physical image is a game that you can alter. For example, I have a disabled left arm, it's painful when I go down the street and some pretty girl looks at my arm. I don't know what to tell them, I'm very embarrassing. I'm 23 and I identify with what you write.

But that can't stop you, I recently started exercising and reading more often, my lifestyle is very different, I don't like parties I prefer to be at home reading or writing. A lifestyle different from others that makes me happy. Don't let this tear you down, look you're a great guy willing to help, something not everyone does.

I know it hurts a lot, but the pain transforms you, changes your perspective of things and makes you act differently from others, if you learn this, it's an advantage that induces you to success. Come on, don't complain, be an example, a warrior. I bet you have a list of strengths, only you see everything with the glasses of sadness. Above those moods, if many can live with disabilities or terrible illnesses and are still happy, consider it a test. Be yourself and let others suck on it.

U are doing what is right to change the wrong, bro. Is better u say it to their faces than keep mute and dye in humiliation. When wrong is not checked or corrected it tend to spread and grow. Since this is wrong to u, then keep your voice on, until it is heard. Many will not no the pain they inflict if they are not corrected.. Mine to u is an example, remember?

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