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RE: Is the New World Order Already Here? Exposing the Shadow Government Within Us All

in #blog7 years ago

Fantastic post! The NWO is here but we only give them power if we collectively choose to. Agreed!


When there's known criminals, who's crimes are sealed public record, with all the important details to demonstrate probable cause and substantially many more details, all which have been brought to the criminals and presented and they didn't refute but ignore them and continued to act in this criminal way, you and I and everyone else who may know these things, by not doing anything to bring them to justice are actively and passively empowering them, while many more are enabling the criminality directly or indirectly or are accomplices after the fact.

If you acknowledge that this criminality "it is here", and believe that you simply can "chose to give them power collectively" or not to as you implied, you simply don't understand something as basic as "all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing", because whether you chose to empower the criminals or not, if you don't do something to actually stop them they aren't going to do anything different and will continue to rob and murder and blackmail with their looted assets until undoubtedly it will hit close to home.

First they came for the Jews, and I didn't do anything..

This post isn't so much about known criminals or personalities, but is more about fear of an imagined oppression that is always on the horizon. The essay could have been quite long had I gone into a call to arms or uprising against the system, and it's really just designed to show how much personal fear is fabricated through national and subculture propaganda.

This post isn't so much about known criminals or personalities, but is more about fear of an imagined oppression that is alwaysready on the horizon.

Exactly, implicating the criminals and their specific crimes is tantamount to the subject.

The essay could have been quite long had I gone into a call to arms or uprising against the system, and it's really just designed to show how much personal fear is fabricated through national and subculture propaganda.

Then lets point out the culprits that spread fear, why act like ignoring it will make it go away, the persistence and determination of our adversary is legendary, they are to be admired if for nothing else but their combined effort and our constant "ignoring" of it, for centuries we've looked the other way and it's understandable as everyone more or less desires to be left alone, peace, but this has only invited more crime and fraud upon our fellow man, and relentlessly it continues.

I see what you're saying here, and I've always respected those who do the research and are courageous enough to show the rest of us who those criminals really are, and how the crimes are perpetrated-- I've been following the material closely for a while, and I wish more people knew about the details of the massive fraud and injustice that are being ignored too much already. The wisdom that my article hoped to transmit was to be careful to know what to fear, compared to what we are expected to fear. A person who dwells on future oppression is going to find themselves missing a lot of what is actually going on in real life, and will ultimately live in that imagined oppression that they had feared. Knowing what to be afraid of helps me to choose my battles I suppose. By writing about it, I can hardly say that I wanted anyone to ignore the problems in the world, but to be critical in their thinking, I think, is what I was desperately trying to peck out with some coherence here.

A person who dwells on future oppression is going to find themselves missing a lot of what is actually going on in real life, and will ultimately live in that imagined oppression that they had feared

And it goes the other way around, the dreamers who are so detached from reality, granted the results are similar, or dissociating from reality, fear is going to kill you simply because of the stress hormones that are constantly being pumped by the delusions.

Knowing what to be afraid of helps me to choose my battles I suppose.

Pick your battles based on what you know about yourself, not on your fears, but abilities.

By writing about it, I can hardly say that I wanted anyone to ignore the problems in the world, but to be critical in their thinking, I think, is what I was desperately trying to peck out with some coherence here.

It could be interpreted as that, yes Ignoring propaganda is completely sensible and healthy approach to propaganda, nobody should ruminate on propaganda and should recognize (critical in their thinking) it right away more or less and I was expressing that not to say your efforts aren't shit since I genuinely applaud your work in general and especially this since it's poetically frank about what is happening all around us, but I only said that to say there's direct approaches to propaganda and even though it hardly needs discrediting the people pushing it or shoving it in our faces can be challenged on the grounds of spreading FUD.

We have better things to do than to empower such a parasite. Thanks for commenting!

What's better than stopping a parasite?

Becoming so engaged in our own stuff that we forget to feed them.

It's all nice until you uproot the presumption that the parasite requires anything from you and in this case that being engaged in our own stuff is not the essence of feeding the parasite.

They would have plenty of support without me, and I can only do my own small part in making the old systems obsolete. When I see a collectively imagined government, I know I'm not going to be helping with that illusion either.

The conversation isn't Bucky, making a better system and saying good riddance to the old. The conversation is about taking decisive actions against criminals.

Yes, we sure do!

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