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RE: The Rules of Whale Club

in #blog8 years ago

Hey man.

Good post. You said what a lot of people are feeling at times. Like word for word,

-why did I click on this post you may ask?

1/ I have always liked your content, and comments, so that is #1 -- kinda making your point for you in the article here you took time to write which is clearly original.

2/ As such seeing #1 -- I hope you don't leave but I would understand.

3/ The wording like I said is how a lot of people feel. I am not the most talented online guy or with limited skills online but I try my best. I am not a techy and I am new to crypto etc.

4/ Literally 3 mins before I saw your post -- I saw a person post a picture of them standing somewhere, asked people to comment on where they were - it was up for about an hour, they had a couple sentences in the photo driven blog post --- and it had 150 votes and was up to $170 or so and outloud, I literally said "How the f.. is this post worth that - what is this contributing to this community?"

I kid you not. I don't have much - but I appreciated your post so I took time to let you know.

Sincerely - Barry


Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Could you provide me a link to post you are talking about? :-)

I am Canadian so the Canadian Geese in the photo and comments piqued my interest - but look at the numbers.

I see! lol
Well he gives away 10 SBD for guess but earns 65SBD from the post. I would add that 65SBD as an extra to the winner.
I would agree that some of these "Where am I" posts don't deserve such a high reward. It took the guy 1 minute to take photo of himself and then later another 5 minuntes to submit the post. Well he gets such rewards as obviously he got his back covered by some powerful whales who like him including Ned. I see it as Ned's personal favouring of someone he likes. In the way nepotism.
I should have included this post in my article.
I can assure you that if you came up with such an idea for "Where am I", you would be likely to get nothing.

I had to reply here to answer you, the other ones were maxed out

1/ You don't need to have more words to make a post effective every single time. Memes speak for themselves and generally need nothing else, a lot of the time. So to say every meme needs wording all the time.... is false. They don't.

I also identify my short form posts nearly every time in the title -- Saying Short Form Post - so people know upfront. Lots of whales and dev's have openly discussed short form content as having value many times. Again, value is not dictated by slapping a pile of words on something. I say again, every case is different.

2/ Every one is different - if I have to edit them a lot or play around with things, could take me 30 or 60 mins. Some take 5 mins or 15 mins. Every case is different and often depends on the photo one would pick for the canvas or background of the photo on it - so to speak

I asked how long because many of them look like they would take me 15 mins to create (like you admitted yourself). That's not much of an effort.
My shortest 300 word TIL posts take 90-120 mins to make, not counting reading up/researching the topic first and look for material.
Thwt is true that memes can say something for themselves and don't need additional content but then they have to be really good and not look like some generic contemt. I see that you think that your memes and work are very good. What made you think that?


Yes. I agree

I like to have fun too, don't get me wrong. I try to make fun memes every day that usually promote the steemit community.... and I get no votes or reward hardly and I have to work at them using only my limited skills and MS Paint lol.

But I try to add value.

Your post is a good one, there is no doubt and it will upset some people, and likely my comments will too.

Well you put a work and time in your memes with limited tools that you have. I think that you could put more personal inputein your posts in the form of written content. That would improve them. You only post just a picture of the meme and thats it.
How much does it take you to create one meme like this using MS Paint?

Well it would take me 15 minutes to create it using MS Paint but I agree that it should be worth something. I would give it 2-3 SBD. You are just one of those unlucky users *most of users) who do not get upvotes...

I would also recommend limiting the amount of content you resteem in your blog. It is way too much and may frustrate potential followers. I would not resteem more than few articles a week. No mroe than 2-3 a day.

I cannot answer there so again, I had to here.

I believe my memes add value and are pretty good because I am generally considered witty by many people and a bit of a wordsmith

2/ Many others tell me the same thing regularly.

3/ I don't copy/paste others work and that alone is value, because it is original.

4/5 / I regularly give people a laugh and or create Steemit Branded memes which is also unique and specific to the platform -- which also adds value again.

6/ I also believe some of your points you made about good content being buried is valid in MANY MANY cases on here, with a lot of others. Sometimes that includes my own content and I am OK with saying it.
You can go on about how LONG you work on a post --- it does not mean it is a good post, right??

So I don't know why you have to be so critical of everyone else seemingly at times taking shots at some of us -- maybe you are just argumentative Personally - your comments are kinda rude at times, TBH and could be constructed a lot more effectively.

I believe our convo here has come to the end of it's life for me, seeing where you want to head things, so I will just leave you be. I have other things to do and have tried to support you and not poke you back, like you want to do to others, and not constructively at times.

But then again, you spend hours on posts, so what do I know.

Anyways, -- And I will end with this since you want to question other peoples' work or efforts and the length of their posts --- this is copied right from the banner on your own page about how you describe yourself and what you like about Steemit:

I'm here for the community and to support quality content creators. Long or short posts. Doesn't matter. Lets see where this Steemship takes us.

406 followers2109 posts174 following
Joined July 2016 "

"You can go on about how LONG you work on a post --- it does not mean it is a good post, right??"

No it doesn.'t. It is about creativity and "end product" - wht makes it different and more intersting than others.
It is important to refer to honest, critical feedback from others and also express modesty and being self criticial towards your own content.
Many of my posts were complete trash when I started. I used others feedbackand work as point fo reference to improve the quality.
Still learning how to improve it. Ther is a a lot to improve. I lack of any talent so I need to rely on constant experience and work.

"Personally - your comments are kinda rude at times, TBH and could be constructed a lot more effectively."

I agree, they may be seen as that. I am kind of "to the point" guy. I use straight forward and descriptive language.

"I believe my memes add value and are pretty good because I am generally considered witty by many people and a bit of a wordsmith"

I asked about what you think about your posts because I have had impression that you are quite narcissistic about them and lack criticism of your own content. By the above comment, it seems that you are also narcissistic about yourself. This is not ad hominem but just a critical observation. It is up to you how you take it.

In my personal opinion, there is nothing special about your memes. Neither there is anything of what I would consider "wordsmith" type. Not sure who tells you that.
Many of them are quite infantile and have traits of Steemit "lick spittle"/sycophancy.

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