
My personal opinions of people doesn't get in the way of good business opportunities.
I'm a grown up.

I'm interested in doing honest business, not being your friend.
I'm a grown up.

Try it sometime.
(do you have to ask permission off someone, to give it a go?lol)

You think you're "grow up" because you preposition for business opportunities people who you insult? The total toolbag, delusional as ever, now with deluded business acumen.

No, you moron.... I'm grown up because I don't let personality clashes interfere with business.
Doing otherwise is childish. (like you are doing now).

Most Romanians I talk to would jump at the chance to make $50 for 2 hours work.

My business 'acumen' is a matter of record. Job done.
I retired in my late 30's because of it. (and then changed my lifestyle forever).

I'm not a sheep in debt to the banks, or anyone else.

How much does steem pay you? I'd ask for a raise.
(can you look your masters in the eye?- try it, it helps with negotiations)

No, you moron.... I'm grown up because I don't let personality clashes interfere with business.

You think you can soften the fact of hurling insults by calling it "personality clashes". So much for honesty, the irony is that you literally agreed to what I said: that you consider yourself grown up because you preposition for business opportunities people who you insult.

Keep calling me a slave, moron, childish, sheep all the while "pitching" to me "50 bux for 120 minutes", it takes a complete toolbag to do so and try to justify it.

Dignity, self respect, honor, compassion, the costs of doing business with you, well, the cost of the business you are apparently involved in.
Probably why it explains the fixation with my "sexuality" and the fixation with reducing women to objects, how's that go:

Those undignified neurosurgeons who sell their body to be used and abused, they are so exploited.

So you are saying that men or women that profit from using their own bodies are unethical?

Obviously that is a ludicrous statement (as you well know).

So it comes down to certain parts of bodies that are unethical if being used for profit.
Obviously that is a ludicrous statement (as you well know).

So it comes down to your issues with the act of sex, and women.

Why do you not respect women enough to give them agency over their own bodies, and let them decide what to choose for themselves?

Do you think your moral condemnation of female entrepreneurs is noble?
It's misogynistic in the extreme more like, cloaked as social justice and extremely condescending to all women of the world.

You're a bit of a hateful twat really, aren't you?

I never said anything about opposing people doing what they want to do with their bodies, but nice try at deflection from what I said, that it's not something dignified, that it's largely predatory, it prays on weak, desperate individuals, prostitution is never dignified. I don't hate them, but nice try at your insipid nonsense, how is that working for you?

You call it "female entrepreneurs" when almost all are exploited and resort to this out of desperation, if not they are brainwashed by pimps that 'it empowers' them, even though they are literally serving others.

I ridicule your ideas of ethics when it removes all self respect, all dignity and any compassion and honor from both parties. Do call me a hater though and say I'm condescending all women while you call the most exploitative and predatory "businesses" as "female entrepreneurship" when nothing could be farther from the truth, maybe one percent of one percent of one percent would be considered enterprise and not outright exploitation.

maybe one percent of one percent of one percent would be considered enterprise and not outright exploitation.

Based on what? information?
No, I didn't think so.

You know jack shit about it.

Do call me a hater though and say I'm condescending all women while you call the most exploitative and predatory "businesses" as "female entrepreneurship"

It can only be 'exploitative and predatory' when coercion is involved.

That's a totally different subject than a voluntary contracts between two parties.

God you're dumb.

Let everyone here be the judge of what you consider "honest" business: care to disclose or will you avoid being forthcoming as you've demonstrated in the past, habitually evading being honest and forthcoming.

Hashtag ethics of prostitution.


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