Pink Floyd with alternative on screen lyrics, regarding Steem. (oh , and some sheep)

in #blog5 years ago (edited)


I had most of the day free today, woohoo.... with the exception of a skype interview, which was only took 15 mins or so.

I was in the mood to:
1/ Make a video, which I haven't done for ages
2 Take a somewhat sarcastic look at Steem and some of its supporters sheep.

.......and here you have it!!! I hope you enjoy.
(I tried 3 times uploading to dtube and then gave up trying)


Those rewards are really killing it bro, nothing like going to a convention to jeer at the participants to illicit their enjoyment and support.

Nothing like trying to extract rewards on a platform that you continue to bash, kinda like walking into a venue, taking a dump in the middle of it and saying "hope you enjoy it, now reward my contribution".

ah! so it has to be creative and non critical of the powers that be?

A little like soviet russia or rumania?

38 voted for, 1 voted against.

totalitarianism, anyone lol

Criticism of snowflake individuals = taking rewards given to them by non snowflakes/ people with sense of humor/irony


.....this vid (and the downvoting penalization for being creative) highlights the exact problem of steemit - and why it will die.
Intelligent investors will stay the fuck away from a childish setup - while at the same time taking gullible sheep to the financial slaughter yard, with them.

A great system we have here!

(the rewards are irrelevant to me, I just wanted to make a video.)

Have other stuff to do now- just popped on to see the (predictable) response.
...speak in a few days....

If rewards are irrelevant then why not exemplify it, do you not know that option exists? There's a difference between valid critique and bashing, you know, one is not based entirely on your theory/speculation..

And how exactly would that highlight the shit show that is steem?

Bernie down voted my criticism of steem - after criticism of it himself.
Bernie is part of the system, and just creating drama in a sad attempt to garner interest in a continually failing platform.

Never expect a commie to come up with any positive actions - it's not in there nature.
Negativity and trying to control is all they know.

As much as I love talking to you (eli/andy/taraz/bernie/whoever), I really do have to go....

Bye for now.

I don't care, what I know is that if rewards are irrelevant then exemplify it, and constructive criticism and bashing/griefing aren't the same thing, like I said, you are doing the equivalent of walking into a venue shitting in the middle of it and then trying to claim that what you did was a worthy contribution.

False equivalence.

38 people in the venue/crowd liked it... 1 didn't.

Are you saying the venue owners have a right to decide who the crowd likes?
Authoritarian, much?lol.

I only paraphrased/quoted, what the actual 'victims of my bashing', said.
Their words, not mine.
How is that 'bashing', to repeat their own words?

(I can see how the severely insecure would see it like that- but that's not my problem, that's theirs - It is also steem's problem - big time!)

So what that 38 people voted for it, how many actually watched it and how many are autovotes? Prove it, if rewards are irrelevant then decline to take rewards, otherwise they are oy as irrelevant as you claim, as you have no problem with accepting them.

Are you a little dense........ or a disingenuous steem worker ant sheep?

Accepting rewards and being down voted highlights the very thing we are discussing.

How would refusing them, further that? durrr.
Yeah, that doesn't work, does it?
(I'm now veering towards the former assertion I made)

Either way, it doesn't matter - the market is always right....
Oops, what does that make you...? (wrong, perchance? Perish the thought!)

Any rays of enlightenment penetrated that grey matter between your ears yet?
(the principles of banking and a legal precedent ruling as not yet overturned, from the 18 century- in relation to what depositors are at banks ?)

You are very funny.

P.S. You are in romania, right? - any good with a camera? where are you? I might have some paid work if you can take some pics...

BTW, calling people sheep is what bashing is. You can think that it's a valid critique but it's far from it, there's nothing valid, valuable or constructive, it only serves to belittle. Hey, but 38 people liked it, that means something right? That means it's not shitting in the middle of the venue, right? It's also bashing regardless if you use their words, or paraphrase them, it's all a mater of removing context and again how you used it only serves to belittle the other person, the same with calling people communists and arguing that communists are this way, that too is bashing. If you need the definition of bashing here it is:

Informal To criticize (another) harshly, accusatorially, and threateningly:
v.intr. Informal
To engage in harsh, accusatory, threatening criticism.

You are correct with your comment. I am wrong.

Now that's cleared up ( ...and possibly given you a stiffy with that victory?), what's wrong with bashing?

I'm sure you're well aware of the politcal power of the 18th/19th century cartooninsts in France and England?

I'm not here to placate the sheep. I'm here to tell it as it is, as I see it - satirical bashing may be my vehicle of , and the oh so sensitive soy boys might be offended by the messenger (cool) but it's only the message that's relevant to me - and the more intelligent among us.

SJW's? Fuck 'em. (some of 'em look very nice, and is a literal statement).
ps - last comment was to raise the hackles of SJW idiots....

Watch em crawl out of the woodwork with sentences including misogyny...

pps - the photo work pays $50 for 2 hours work, and $20 travel expenses. (plus a confidentiality and a non ownership of the images produced (during the hours of employment) contract - signed.

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