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RE: Pink Floyd with alternative on screen lyrics, regarding Steem. (oh , and some sheep)

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

Are you a little dense........ or a disingenuous steem worker ant sheep?

Accepting rewards and being down voted highlights the very thing we are discussing.

We aren't discussing whatever you think we are discussing. I am talking about your hypocrisy, claiming that rewards are irrelevant and instead of declining them you pony up to get rewarded. I'm also pointing out that your delusional if you think that this unadulterated bashing is on the same page as valid, objective or otherwise constructive criticism, be it satirical or not. That has nothing to do with what you think we are discussing either, like the first thing.

Either way, it doesn't matter - the market is always right....
Oops, what does that make you...? (wrong, perchance? Perish the thought!)

If that's the case what is there to your discussion about the rewards huh? I imagine it's a disgruntled outlook at how you're deserving of more rewards than what you elicited, as you have made disgruntled posts numerous times regarding that, in your own words, your post should be worth one hundred dollars worth of steem, and one thousand would not be bad also, and if so, then you just shot yourself in the foot if now you're saying that these 38 autovotes are the market is always right (except for the downvotes, the market is always wrong with you there).


You're funny.
Do you have a decent camera?

That's what I thought, reduced to non sequitur.

Not a non sequitur - It's 100% business matey.


Where are you in romania?

Non sequitur because it has no relevance to what I was discussing. If you didn't notice the lack of response in regards to your nonsensical offer that meant I did not regard it as worthy to address /respond to, but do act as if I didn't ignore it and keep avoiding your blatant bashing and no I don't expect you to appreciate the irony that rewards are irrelevant to you as you focus almost entirely, post after post, on the subject of rewards.


Call me an ant, sheep, etc why don't you and then attempt to buddy buddy me, the irony of being a complete toolbag when it comes to social interaction.

My personal opinions of people doesn't get in the way of good business opportunities.
I'm a grown up.

I'm interested in doing honest business, not being your friend.
I'm a grown up.

Try it sometime.
(do you have to ask permission off someone, to give it a go?lol)

You think you're "grow up" because you preposition for business opportunities people who you insult? The total toolbag, delusional as ever, now with deluded business acumen.

No, you moron.... I'm grown up because I don't let personality clashes interfere with business.
Doing otherwise is childish. (like you are doing now).

Most Romanians I talk to would jump at the chance to make $50 for 2 hours work.

My business 'acumen' is a matter of record. Job done.
I retired in my late 30's because of it. (and then changed my lifestyle forever).

I'm not a sheep in debt to the banks, or anyone else.

How much does steem pay you? I'd ask for a raise.
(can you look your masters in the eye?- try it, it helps with negotiations)

No, you moron.... I'm grown up because I don't let personality clashes interfere with business.

You think you can soften the fact of hurling insults by calling it "personality clashes". So much for honesty, the irony is that you literally agreed to what I said: that you consider yourself grown up because you preposition for business opportunities people who you insult.

Keep calling me a slave, moron, childish, sheep all the while "pitching" to me "50 bux for 120 minutes", it takes a complete toolbag to do so and try to justify it.

Dignity, self respect, honor, compassion, the costs of doing business with you, well, the cost of the business you are apparently involved in.
Probably why it explains the fixation with my "sexuality" and the fixation with reducing women to objects, how's that go:

Those undignified neurosurgeons who sell their body to be used and abused, they are so exploited.

Let everyone here be the judge of what you consider "honest" business: care to disclose or will you avoid being forthcoming as you've demonstrated in the past, habitually evading being honest and forthcoming.

Hashtag ethics of prostitution.


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