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RE: Pink Floyd with alternative on screen lyrics, regarding Steem. (oh , and some sheep)

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

BTW, calling people sheep is what bashing is. You can think that it's a valid critique but it's far from it, there's nothing valid, valuable or constructive, it only serves to belittle. Hey, but 38 people liked it, that means something right? That means it's not shitting in the middle of the venue, right? It's also bashing regardless if you use their words, or paraphrase them, it's all a mater of removing context and again how you used it only serves to belittle the other person, the same with calling people communists and arguing that communists are this way, that too is bashing. If you need the definition of bashing here it is:

Informal To criticize (another) harshly, accusatorially, and threateningly:
v.intr. Informal
To engage in harsh, accusatory, threatening criticism.


You are correct with your comment. I am wrong.

Now that's cleared up ( ...and possibly given you a stiffy with that victory?), what's wrong with bashing?

I'm sure you're well aware of the politcal power of the 18th/19th century cartooninsts in France and England?

I'm not here to placate the sheep. I'm here to tell it as it is, as I see it - satirical bashing may be my vehicle of , and the oh so sensitive soy boys might be offended by the messenger (cool) but it's only the message that's relevant to me - and the more intelligent among us.

SJW's? Fuck 'em. (some of 'em look very nice, and is a literal statement).
ps - last comment was to raise the hackles of SJW idiots....

Watch em crawl out of the woodwork with sentences including misogyny...

pps - the photo work pays $50 for 2 hours work, and $20 travel expenses. (plus a confidentiality and a non ownership of the images produced (during the hours of employment) contract - signed.

You want me to point out what is wrong with bashing? Let me do you one better and ask you to point out what's right with it, if there's nothing wrong with it I'm sure you'll have no problem listing the numerous things that it's good for.

You know you're skating on thin ice when you don't have anything worthy or redeemable to justify bashing with and instead try to imply that bashing is harmless, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, I mean what's wrong with bashing?

You know the difference between those satirical cartoons and this unadulterated bashing? Satire is ALL about societal change/improvement, and those cartoons illustrated the failures of society in that regard, and are considered Valid, Constructive and otherwise Objective Criticism, not bashing (overtly critical) and that is only reinforced by the audience's overwhelming approval, as opposed to your, unadulterated bashing, which doesn't illustrate or explain / elucidate on anything like said societal change and is entirely only your very low opinions of certain people, period, low opinion based entirely on either one or two odd encounters so no real knowledge of the person, or if not the bashing is based entirely on how they rated your content and account, so either way it's an attack or completely personal.

You can think your bashing as "waking" the sleeping sheep up, but that is based entirely in delusion, the delusion that there are "leaders" (and hence, followers) and that if enough followers wake up to the evil/lazy/stupid leaders, then they will somehow reign the leaders in or rebuke the leaders' power, but it's completely delusional as there are no leaders, and there certainly are no followers, and no one is asleep like you think them, all they are is fellow bloggers, much more thoughtful and sensible than you and overall better writers as well, and also far more invested in the platform than you.

If you had valid critique it would go a long ways to remove any and all personal value judgements and character arguments/slander/attacks from those critiques, especially since this is obviously a matter of the platform (whole) not of individuals, and maybe then you can compare with satirical cartoons, but until you do so it's no different than all of your other character attack laden, unadulterated bashing and shitting "Posting" you've engaged in, either of the people who are far more successful than you, or of the place itself, or of myself repeatedly attacked for questioning your methods, reasoning and your intentions.

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