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RE: Who is @baah? Who cares? ...... information warfare - up close and personal..

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

Still trying to sidestep as if you don't need to specify which bank, which banking system. Iceland jailed their bankers. The living law firm has a National Bank. The banking system in the Arab world relies on fees not interest.

Your so called "source" on depositors being unsecured creditors equally didn't specify which depositors, for what bank/banking system. It reasoned that because you don't get back the exact same bills and coins that you deposited that you're an unsecured creditor. Ludicrous. Who cares about that? Yes fraud exists in banking, yes the Fed makes money based on promises to pay/ios from the very creditors (American People) that it turns into debtors then, called conversion, a type of fraud involving assets and banks. None of that means that there aren't Credit Unions and Private Banks that do not engage in fraud. Your nonsense for banks is the same as the nonsense for government when you blame government as if it's an actual entity that can shoulder one ounce of blame. Government is not the issue, people in government are the issue. Banks are not the issue, bankers are the issue. In both cases it's an issue only when they cheat, steal or defraud, and when they overstep their limitations and then violate their oaths.

Read you clown, read and be very critical of things that seem very cut and dry such as "you don't get back the exact same coins and bills you deposit, ergo you relinquish ownership of your money, ergo banks can simply steal it".


Until you can get a grasp of the banking relationship with its depositors (a12 year old can normally grasp it),
what can I say?
If you don't have the intelligence to understand it, it shows that you are swimming in waters where you don't belong.
If you lack the maturity to admit that you do not understand basic things in the world- but claim to understand concepts of ethics and morals, there is nothing to say.
(soooooo childish)

You are a either a petulant little child, in an adult body - or a disingenuous postmodernist, infected with mental illness, and not wanting to get healthier....

What a very sad, shit, outlook on life, you have.

I won't talk to a toddler about interest rates, when they can't even add 1+1 - there is no point.

You don't have much of a point, either, really, do you?

Do you need your pacifier, john/ andy/ whoever you really are?


"until you agree with my generalizing on what banks do I have nothing to say"
Called argument from silence/non responsive.

"if you don't agree, that means you're a little child"

Called ad hominem.

Whack ass clown can only clown.

Posted using Partiko Android

No - it's called being an adult and facing up to truths. (the postmodernist's biggest fear, I know..).

You're not very happy, are you , john?
Wanna talk about it?
I'm a shoulder for you if you aren't gonna be a petulant child .....but if you wanna talk as grown ups, I'm here for you...
(no sexual impropriety please - I have a partner though, sorry mate, we have no future together..).

Lol so instead of explaining why or how you're correct, you're asserting that argument from silence and ad hominems are "adult". And now it must mean I'm not very happy. Lol
Why don't you explain like you would a 13 year old how all banks work exactly the same and why? Lol

Posted using Partiko Android

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