I used to, ep 04, beg for money because I was homeless.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog6 years ago

Have you ever been homeless? I have and the worst thing ever is sleeping on the streets.

This was my own doing, I had a problem, a big problem I used to party a lot and get that drunk I would end up in daft situations that I could not handle.

I used to see my self as a big man, Superman in fact when I was drunk but all it did was cause me problems.
I would drink from the moment I got up to the moment I went to bed, I could not see a problem but my family could, I drank that much that I would not even feel drunk and I never had a hangover.

I was the life of the party everybody wanted to be my friend, and when my parents were away on holiday their home turned in to party central.

They had gone a 3-week cruize and left me to it, and as soon as they left I picked up the phone and called all my mates as this was the perfect time to start partying.

I had girls in my house that I didn't know, they would turn up with their friends and stay for a few days, I would wake up next to a different girl every morning and I was loving every single minute of it.

It got to the end of the 3 weeks and I knew I had to tidy up the house but there was one problem, we had partied that hard and for that long, the house looked like a nightclub.

The floor as sticky from the amount of drink that had been spilt, the walls were covered in drawing and writing the sofa was damaged from the constant abuse from all the people I had in the house.
Pots had piled high from day one, and there was not a clean bed in the house.

I started to paint hoover and clean the best I could, but there was one problem, I had gotten the dates wrong and my mum and dad walked into their house to see a half-bombed property.

If you were in their shoes would you kick me out? I know if it had happened to me I know I would have done. but no my mum and dad took me to one side and told me I had a choice to make.

Really, more of a life choice, either stop drinking and live there or carry on and find somewhere else to live.

At the time I thought they were been hard on me and kicked off a little, I made my bed and I chose to lay in it.
so I packed a few bags and made my way on the 8-mile walk to a friend's flat, the only problem he didn't want me there as he knew I would reck his place.

So I tried another friend and another friend, I kept getting turned away, then I knew there was a problem and I was it.
as the day was coming to an end I knew I had to find somewhere to sleep, I went to a charity shop and got a sleeping bag and made my bed in a shop window.

I then decided that I was going to carry on the drinking so I went in a few pubs and started drinking peoples drag ends from their glasses. they owners of the pubs and bars got sick of me quick and asked me to leave.

It then hit me, I was all alone and there was nobody around me.

3 weeks I begged for money from people in the streets, just to get a beer. I would make about £4 a day in copper and small change.
Finally, I had to do something about the problem.

I put my tail between my legs and went home to my mum, she was happy to see me as I had been away for 3 weeks with no contact.
she made me a sandwich and said I could stay there as long as I stopped drinking, It had to be a deal because in reality I had no one except her and she was looking out for me.

I quit drinking for 6 months, and on Christmas day I was allowed to have 2 cans with my dinner. it was nice just to chill but I got the taste for it again.
I managed to keep my self from getting drunk in the week and go out at weekends, when I did have a drink I would stay out of my mum's house, out of respect.

When me and my wife met we had a baby girl who is now 11 years old and I can say I haven't had a drink for 10 years. I am a different person.
My wife still has to rain me in sometimes as I can be a bit crazy, but since my daughter came on the scene I have been a lot more grown up.


Congrats on 10 of sobriety!
And many more...

thank you @daveks means alot to me :)

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