Your Lifestyle counts!

in #blog6 years ago

What really counts on social media platforms and websites is basically: Passion and Lifestyle… that is what attracts people to what your website is all about!

Who wants to be where it’s boring?! 

Most people love the thrill of been somewhere where there is fun and laughter. Even if they’re looking for particular info, they are put off by boring bland content. 

  • If you want to build followers and want your website to trend, you have to consider building your personality.  
  • The fact is: Your writing style reflects your personality. Because your behaviour, attitude and thinking processes affect the way you write, and how people respond to that with their comments. 

Re-viewing our behaviour:

So there you are, sitting at home and thinking about your personal situation. 

  • “Golly! I don’t live an exciting life. If only they knew that I live very humbly!”
  • “How can I change my personality? Impossible! I’m so set in my ways!” 

Well… maybe you haven’t thought or said those things. But we do seem to put ourselves down someway or other, don’t we! 

It’s time to change:

All this time you’ve been living in a long dark tunnel. Now, is the time, to light a candle, or if possible, a huge lamp for much more brighter light. 

Number one step:

Start and think… EXCITING… See life as exciting. Act, write and breathe EXCITING! 

     Go on… SMILE. Even chuckle… That’s it. 

Now, do you start to feel the energy vibes beginning to bubble up inside you? 

Number two step:

  • Fill your life with sunshine. Run out into the sunshine and hear the birds sing. Listen to the sounds of Nature. 
  • Look around you. Look for exciting colours and search for contracts of colours and tones. Doesn’t the world look somewhat brighter than it did before? 
  • Now go to your wardrobe and throw out or give away, all those black and grey clothes. I did that years ago, after I had a miscarriage. I had some elegant stuff there. But I was determined to brighten up my life. So I did it and it was worth it. 
  • Then look around your house. Where could you put a vase of flowers or bright coloured cushion’s, pictures, etc to brighten up your home? 

Okay, so now you have the right environment to perk you up. Now it’s time to… 

Put happy `bells and whistles’ in your life:

I love those Chinese glass chimes we used to get. But sadly you can’t seem to get them anymore. Well in South Africa, anyway. But hearing their gentle tinkle in the breeze was a balm to the soul. 

The other thing I’ve done is to play calm and happy CD music, while I paint and write blogs. Somehow this helps me with inspiration. The words seem to flow with the harmony of the tune. 

Don’t ever estimate the value of your attitude.

  • Your expression and body language has a BIG effect on how you seem to others. 
  • The way you write has a BIG effect on how your blogs come across to others. 

Happy sparkling personalities shine and stand out from the crowd. And let me tell you, the internet is very crowded!!! 



My addition regarding the lifestyle is that it should be authentic. There is no use in following trends only for the purpose of being considered as "hip".

I am definitely not an advocat of "faking it", because the real version is getting more and more befogged, until we unlearn the discernment as to what is really us and what not.

Each Soul is unique and shines and radiates its colour mixture from the inside out. The more we align ourselves with our Soul colour within, the more we'll reflect it without in form of clothes etc..

Only when inside and outside are in alignment it is that any Soul colour composition will be contagious! :)

When I was talking about lifestyle, I didn't mean fashion trends.
I was referring to living life with a positive attitude. When you think EXCITING you start to see life as exciting. That's when exciting positive things happen. It's becomes a way of life for you.
Living and thinking like that, you start naturally to write about exciting things you saw, because that's how you see life.
That's when the inner and outer soul meet, as you say.

My 'trends' were not referring to fashion but to everything in life. At the moment, for instance, there is a huge wave of people focusing on the power of thought and the mind altogether, yet how many people of them are really authentic and not just faking it? The more authentic we are ourselves the more we see through others ulterior motives. Like attracts like ;)

Thanks for replying so quickly.
I wasn't correcting you personally. I realized maybe others may have seen it as fashion style trends. And that's why I up-voted your comment to put it at the top.
And sometimes we have to fake it (act it) until we become it!
Once our happy attitude turns on the `exciting switch', it runs through our veins, our exciting lifestyle becomes authentic.

☺ Well said! Thank you! ;)

Truly amazing- life is un-lived without one doing the things they have ever wanted to do like travelling our beautiful planet! Thanks for your thoughtful post @artguru.

Yes life isn't lived, until you make it exciting!
When I was about 35 years old, a one day, maybe around about the time I throw out those black clothes, I realized a lot of people live dull lives... as if they lived in coffins, just waiting for ... what... and for how long would they continue like that?!
No, I decided, while I was still breathing, I would LIVE life, enjoy every moment. And no matter what has happened since then (life isn't easy) I've looked for the `flowers' in everything.

wow,my dear friend.@artguru.just awesome knowledge is a good technology for mordern world.personally I think that,passion and lifestyle very important two part in our human life.every people attrated this website lifestyle and passion. because mam can not live properly without website..basically,alots of advantage of website..example:-good programming,video,song,movies,games etc.every people attracted this website.people change doing her lifestyle to seeing website fashion video and passion is a main key success in our life..i am feeling very good because i guess sunshine my life and listening birds song of nature.its my mind touching.. my flower basket really charming its my dream.thanks to sharing for your great post.very well dear friend.. @artguru take care yourself and best of luck of your great work..

thanks alot for sharing such an useful tips regarding blog writing and my personal favourite Fill your life with sunshine. Run out into the sunshine and hear the birds sing. Listen to the sounds of Nature my teacher @artguru

We need to add more colorful things to our life, bring more brightness, more fun. Miscarriage is a very sad thing but its nice seeing you are through with it, its all in your back now @artguru. Most people take like too serious, act like we are some kind of robot and we should follow a manual. But its not through, we are free as the bird, live a good life, have fun and be good. Peace

When you talk about passion and writing online, I kinda get a bit sad. I created a project a while back with some colleagues of literary studies, and we were extremely passionate about it.

I developed the website and we all joined in writing, having meetings, deadlines, and all. We couldn't keep it up, though, as you're probably aware that niche can be rarely profitable.

I like that your post gives me hope to keep trying to catch a right path for myself. The body language bit, I'm not sure about. I always think that when people start talking about body language, it somehow promotes paranoia. I don't know.

Either way, thank you @artguru for sharing positivity and words of encouragement. There's not much around.


ohh! at first I thought it's a spider womb..

My icon image for this type of subject (blogging) stands for artistic site on the internet's...wide web!
I actually run a WordPress website on art: But at the moment I have a hacker problem. I have a lot of new plans for my website, but I need to get rid of the hacker, before I can do that!

Yeah, it is obvious to develop your personality through your writing skills.
but at the same you need such an innovative mind, hard work and much more things for creating wonderful writing then you can develop your personality through wrinting ..
Also we are thankful for sharing such an motivation post .. i think you are one of above person having such things..

Great writing.
Please upvote and resteemit done

Yay that's amazing life is Un lived..and your article is amazing keep hardwork like this and enjoy the successful life sir @artgure

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