The amazing power of enthusiasm!

in #blog6 years ago

It is largely untapped and un-used, because teachers and bloggers don’t understand its power and what it can really do.

Let's delve into how education was/is presented:

Education dementia!

Not many children and parents enjoyed school or ever remember what they learnt!  Why? 

  • Most of the teacher didn’t make the subjects very interesting. Usually its info that was repetitively drilled into us from text books. 
  • A huge amount of stuff we were taught at school, doesn’t apply anymore in our ever changing modern lifestyle or careers in our adult life! 
  • The teachers were more concerned with discipline and mark levels, than making the topics exciting. 

Result: These children generally landed up with low paid or laborers jobs as adults. 

Education explosion!

Have you ever thought why some children did better than others?

  • Was it because they came to school, prepared by their parents with an enthusiastic attitude, that school was an exciting place to learn new things? 
  • · Or was it because the teacher was passionate about their subject? Which; caused them to prepare their lessons with addition facts. Not only that; added unexpected visual aids and used enthusiastic verbal expression in the way it was presented? And, asked questions that stirred the children’s imagination and brought about inquiring minds. 

Results: These children generally got varsity degrees and well paid jobs. 

See the difference?

  1. The first suggested… the lessons were mundane routine and boring. 
  2. The second suggested… having the right enthusiastic attitude towards learning and teaching. 

What’s that got to do with writing blogs?

Blogging isn’t just a straight forward way of writing as it may seem. 

  • The writer must be passionate about their subjects. Their enthusiastic attitude `rubs off’ onto the readers of their blogs. 
  • Sparkling personalities radiate excitement in their `voices’ and in the way they write. 
  • The passion, enthusiasm and emotional speech, is the touching-point to the heart. 
  • Visual aids also stir peoples’ senses, their feelings and emotions, which will influence and embed the important facts in the minds of the readers. 
  • Going the extra mile with additional info, theory and way-out dimensions of thought, to what is already implied. 

So why be dull?!

Let us be enthusiastic and excited about what we do. Go on…lets rev-up our thinking and our attitudes. Be prepared to have more fun while writing our blogs. 

  • Putting a new exciting spin on how you write your blogs. 
  • If you believe in it, so will others, because of the way you come across in your blogs. 
  • Use the power of enthusiasm to empower youand those who read your blogs. 
  • Add the un-expected stuff that `turns on’ people and gets them thinking and responding. 

Result: More chance of our blogs trending. 


These children generally landed up with low paid or laborers jobs as adults.

that is my story
i am finding it hard to get a good job now
what i have studied i dont find that usefull now
even though i have got good grades but i haven't learnt what i was supposed to learn
all my focus was on grades and i end up with useless degree
But being very young i have still got plenty of time to make things happen with a different attitude
As you said let us be enthusiastic and excited about what we do ,that is the key
whatever we will do ( study or any kind of work)
we need to do it in an excited way to get best results

Just loved your story. And you are right, it's never too late. Even if it's little steps at a time.
In the old days our parents didn't encourage us. My parents even took us out of school after we (my siblings and I) had passed STD 8 (grade 10) and expected us to go to work. After that it was up to us to study further!
And I love studying and doing research. I find it very exciting.

You're absolutely right! With a little more enthusiasm the whole world looks different, you see things different and enjoy activities you never thought you could enjoy! It's all about your mind and how positive you are about something :)

Thanks for saying that. You're so right, too. It's our attitude to life that makes all the difference.
How we feel about things, is the way we write and behave.

You are right. As long as we retain a healthy balance, rules are ok. Yet once we try to overemphasize them, resistance by others will be created, because the stricter the rule the higher the desire to break free. When we are enthusiastic in what we are doing we will naturally feel free as well, so we know that if we want to spark the same avidity in others we have to let them express themselves freely to a certain extend. When the frame doesn't feel nice ( too strict rules ) then most likely our readiness to open ourselves up for enthusiasm will be hampered, because force dissipates Freedom, a thing we most deep down feel and know.

If we are enthusiastic about life, we will see beauty and hear music, where there is none. Where other miss the joy of living. So it's up to us to put the spark of fun and joy back into their lives, when we write.

Gusto. Drive. Excitement for the subject.
Something that instills a positive reaction will result in enthusiasm for it.
If you like something, you won't refer to it in a bored, uninterested way, would you? No, you respond with enthusiasm.
You may have different degrees like "I really do like avocados" to "I LOVE MY WIFE" but they are all expressions of enthusiasm.
Easiest visual for me is when you come home to your dog, the way your dog behaves is the exact picture of enthusiasm :)

So true about what you say. And that last bit about your dogs eager happiness of seeing you come home... They even love us when we have forgotten to feed that day!!

when we blog about the subjects we feel passionate about, then only we can instill the passion and excitement we ourselves feel.
I know writers have to rewrite a few times to get everything perfect but sometimes it's worth going with the flow.

I personally write my stuff ahead of time and list it. But on the day of posting, I reread it and if necessary put a little more spark in it.
When you re-read it, often you see it from a different perspective, and so the topic blossoms with revision.

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