Like to do crazy blogging?!

in #blog7 years ago

Everyone knows the Best Bloggers write Crazy stuff. Why? Because people love fantasy, & want to get the chance to laugh out loud. 

So give it to them:

People who `live-outside-the-box’ have the craziest sense of humour. 

What they write about is so crazy that people get a ‘kick’ out of it. 

  • Look at the book: “Alice in Wonderland”. The whole story is crazy. It’s a classic because it shows people have always enjoyed fantasy. 
  • And what about the Harry Potter books and films?! The really unreal stuff – hard to believe, but fun to believe! 

When there is crazy stuff happening… people read on, wondering what’s going to happen next. Adding surprise to your blogs adds another whole new dimension to the-big-picture

People want to `go-down-the-hole’ too, to discover the unknown and wacky stuff. Every now and again we want to `walk-off-the-planet’ and have a bit of fun. 

So `goof’ around a bit if you want.

But don’t take yourself seriously. Enjoy yourself writing all that crazy stuff. The way you put yourself across, people can feel the light-heartiness in your words. 

The strangest things… put across in all honesty – touches the heart. 

It’s okay to be a `miss-fit’!

If your blogs are unique, you stand out in the internet crowd. People take notice of your difference and how entertaining you are. And start gossiping about you, “Have you seen what is doing now?!” And re-tweeting and re-steeming your blogs too! 

  • Start looking at life from a different angle. Look at the beauty and funny side of life. 
  • Act like you’re on a `merry-go-round’ adventure. Because, life is full of `ups and downs’, twists and turns. 
  • Get people to take a double-take: Beat up people’s imaginations and get them to look at things quite differently. 
  • If you can get people to think about what you’re saying, they may get to see the ‘other-side-of-the-coin’. Then it’s more likely they will have their own WOW-Moments. 

What of those who think we’re crazy?

  • You mean those dull people? Or those who love to put-down others? 
  • Have you noticed the people who love to complain, are those who don’t get very far in life? They’re too negative to see the beauty of the-big-picture. 

And what of those who are crazy enough to use their crazy imagination?  

They invent new things and make a business out of it. They are the ones who get much further in life! And they have so much more fun doing it too. 

So why not do your-thing.

If you want to do `crazy’ blogging… go on… feel free to spread your wings and fly higher than you ever imagined! 

….We’re waiting and looking forward to seeing your interesting and way-out  blogs and posts… 


People do like odd or unbelievable. In the newspaper there was a wonderful picture of a squirrel holding up an umbrella. If it was Photoshopped it's clever but if it's real it's better. The photographer said he'd used peanut butter but when I tried peanut butter the squirrel wasn't interested. Just simple peanuts . appreciate it if you take a look at my book reading squirrel post in animals

Maybe the photographer who ate the peanut butter.

Yeah, I am doing it all the time.
I decided to be myself and I have no problem posting about the things I like.
There will be always somebody who will enjoy it.

I agree. It's fun been yourself isn't it.

This is a crazy idea @artguru, but I think it works and profitable since were on the social media.

"Alice in Wonderland" crazy? It's just very mathematical. Reading it, I had the feeling I was at the linear algebra lecture. )))

Haha love this post!
Only crazy people can do creative things :D

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This is well crazy!

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