Creating with our hearts!

in #blog7 years ago

It’s taking knowledge and expressing it with feeling and understanding of the rules involved.


From the book   The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: The fox says: 

      “Here is my secret…It is only with the heart that one sees rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” 

I say, “You can only `read between the lines’ with your heart. So your feelings and emotions are important in the process. 

  • And you can’t learn and remember something unless your heart is deeply involved.  
  • And people don’t get excited about what you write unless it touches their heart!” 

Writer’s block:

Writer’s block happens when you want to write, but don’t know what to write about. No idea comes to mind easily… just a blank! 

What I found out, that gets me going, is to start with something, just anything. You got to do something to get your mind working and thoughts flowing. 

  1. What can get you going is to do some research. Here you are personally involved. What you discover depends on how much your heart and mind was involved
  2. Talent is born when you apply yourself often. And in the process you enhance your skills and gain knowledge. And from those experiences, you have something to write about
  3. Maybe the thing you write about is something you’ve seen or read. It could have been just a word or two that caught your fancy and got you thinking on another hypothetical level of thought. It could be a very small thing, but it had great impact on you. 

Write those thoughts down. 

While you’re excited and can remember them! From those you have some foundation to work on.  

  1. No matter how silly at first it may seem to you, give it a go. Put on a cheesy smile and laugh a little if you like, it helps to add humour to your blogs! 
  2. Play with it. You can re-arrange or eliminate facts or even whole sentences if you wish. To enhance your topic, you can add a word or two, a bit here and there, to make the sentences flow easier.  
  3. You’ll find as you go along, you start to remember things that enliven your blog. You wouldn’t have remembered those things, if you hadn’t started somewhere! 
  4. But at least you had something to work on, revise and `bone-up’! And by chance you may have a winner there. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! 

That’s what I like about writing: 

You are playing with words and ideas. You could say it’s a game of words. It’s the way you think and then how you say it that makes the difference. 

  • Depending on how sentences are constructed, it could mean one thought pattern or suggestion. And if the order of words are re-arranged, it could mean something else altogether! 
  • And if we apply our feelings and minds, read between the lines, another theory is born and a WOW-moment arises yet again. 
  • And because we all have different thought patterns, it isn’t surprising one gets different angles, responses or comments to what you write. This also puts a different spin on the subject. 

So you could say:

Feelings and emotions are important in how we write. Dramatic and sensational words get people thinking, because people tend to use their emotions and senses, when buying into something. 

Revelation comes, when our eyes and minds are open to seeing the essential facts. But we have to be willing to tune-in and digest what we are reading, hearing and what’s occurring. Humble enough to see the Light, the source of all Truth.


If u write without feelings, you are trying to impress others but if you do it with your heart and feel, you are doing it for contentment and inner peace.Though both may be productive but i believe latter one is which i personally languish for

The more you try to impress others, the stiffer your writing becomes. But once you get involved with your inner-self, inner-passion, the outer world is obliterated, passion and love for your topic takes over.

That is right..
You have to start somewhere. Writing is not a talent like many other arts that you're born with, anyone can be a writer if they put in their time and effort..
You just have to start somewhere, it won't be breathtaking the first time or the 2nd time but you'll definitely do better with time.

I don't believe people are born artists. That's my argument. If you love what you are doing, it isn't a pain to practice your skills. It becomes your life, you act, think and breathe it. The more you do it, the more you learn more skills and techniques. You enjoy the adventure so much, you can't stop.

So do you think I can be sketch artist or a painter even though I'm very bad at those right now?

Go to my website. I have some tips there and free downloads for watercolour beginners. Perhaps you are better than you think. You never know what you're good at until you try it, hey!

Oh that's great...
But where can I find your website 😬
Thanks for taking the time

“Here is my secret…It is only with the heart that one sees rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
This is absolutely true. We cannot see everything with our eyes, something's can be felt or seen only through one's heart. This is an awesome quote and I love it.
And below are some amazing thoughts you have expressed. They will help make your posts alive and attractive. I love your writing. Have a great day

Most people don't see things with their inner mind. The world to them is the same old thing, straight forward. Okay, that's a tree and that's a car passing by, so what!
Writers need to see the world from a different perspective. Not just what's happening, the ambiance perhaps, but observe the funny or ridiculous side of things, the unusual that other people miss.

Obviously artists have to see things with different perspective, they have to capture every details of the simplest things around and transform the details into art.

Actually detail isn't so important in art. That may shock some people. First you create emotional impact and then you're selective with your detail. You see, the outline of a shape is more important than centre part. Because the outer shape is the symbolic impression people assess. For example, a toilet icon, tells people whether it's for females or males to enter therein!

Ohh I understand now. I'm no expert in art, I know nothing more than you but less than you. But I thought details were important.

its all depends upon your emotions and your thoughts. if you have taste in yourself you will surely feel the taste otherwise all efforts are useless.

Its true revelation come in mind when you try to seek them, keeping your eyes mind and ears open

Writers block is the best part from this best post.....your art is always mindblowing and especially the details you add to it are always amazing...all the lines from top to bottom are are valuable... Thanks for sharing this ..
This point about writing you mentioned is full of inspiration...."And if we apply our feelings and minds, read between the lines, another theory is born and a WOW-moment arises yet again.".

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here is mine..........

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

Say something very nice If there is no reading or writing or writing from the mind then it is necessary to read or write any more. Are we just here to earn, here we have to learn a lot of things, we have to acquire many things. If we do not have knowledge, then how will I earn? We have to learn from the beginning, learning from here we have to acquire knowledge. So why not do it, we should do it from the heart. Then those who are book writers and at least they will get self-satisfied

What can I say. Sometimes it's not about money. Being hungry for knowledge is an exciting adventure, from one fact to another theory. And sharing something you've learnt or experienced, shows you care about others. And their input can also teach you something too. So we all benefit.

We should always listen to our heart because we cant keep it quit for a long time, when we need to do something but we miss it, then our heart keeps us reminding about that thing, so better is to listen to it.

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