Blogger masterminds!!

in #blog7 years ago

Want to know what makes a master blogger? They know how people tick and re-act!


Masterminds are great thinkers! 

They’re masterminds because they thrive on searching out new concepts. And get a thrill from analyzing those new concepts, to get down to the core of facts.  That little gem or atom that makes a difference between just facts and what sparks off new theories or technology. 

Now, mastermind BLOGGERS:

They know how to impress people: 

  • Because they do research to find out what people really want. 
  • Not only that, they supply it with `bells and whistles’ and incredible sizzle! 
  • They’re down to earth people, who also know what turns people on. 

What makes mastermind bloggers?

Confidence and personality is a great influence: 

  • They aren’t shy. They take up challenges and ` spread-their-wings’ out on the open web.  
  • You’ll find… if you act the part you always wanted to be, it isn’t long before you are the person. 
  • Forget what negative people may say. Live the magic! Do your thing, think big and be whimsical.
  • Once you feel confident, you’ll feel you can handle anything. And you will. 

Why first talk about confidence?  

Well, you begin to feel free to say anything. That is, to write with such spunky jargon and great enthusiasm about your own experiences. Thus making the words you use in your blogs, come across with more power and punch. 

  • Your open personality and honesty touches the hearts and minds of people. 
  • It’s how you achieved things against all odds, and how you overcame things. That makes people feel, if you could do it, they can too. 

Confidence is a voice of authority: 

Why? Because it’s through personal experiences: How you came out on top and how you’ve become so successful today. 

Still, how do the master bloggers do it?

  1. Once they have a concept, they turn it into something fantastic. Not just mundane stuff. But emotional stuff they know people really crave. 
  2. They know how to present it, using impact and sensational attraction. Use of active, dramatic descriptive words. 
  3. Once they have your attention, they know how to rein you in. They offer you things that are easy to obtain. Using understandable jargon and easy practical steps to follow, that you can’t turn it down. 
  4. They supply the best service, goodies out there. Something different and unique, that no one else is doing. Thus making the topic interesting and worth pursuing further. 
  5. Then once you’re sucked in and hooked with the introduction and basics, they’ll offer you the premium, ultimate crunch or trump card. Whatever that was promised or suggested in their headlines and introduction. 

What makes the mast bloggers so successful?

They have deeply inquisitive minds, which allows them to conjure up the most informative and amusing blogs. 

Added to that, they are able to see beyond the norm, conceive the unimaginable, the idiosyncrasies of situations, in order to address the fantasies of other people’s minds and desire. Things that add that special fascinating sizzle. If you consider Harry Potter films you’ll understand what I mean. 

They have unforgettable characters! They stand out because they do things differently. They aren’t shy to say what counts. Their jargon sparkles with vitality and confidence.  


...hmm. bravo, bravo, bravo. another one of your great posts!!! i believe if i follow you really closely attentively and follow your directions i might turn out to be one helluva blogger!! i may as well just take the time out to read up most of your posts on blogging. thank you once again!! very informative and educating!! itching for you next post, keep them coming!

You always make good posts for being a better writer artguru, and this is no exception. Will put most of these into practice because am working on being a better blogger myself. About confidence, i used to find it hard to open up yet it's one of the major factors that make a blogger tick just as you said. Got to fix up somethings then. Thanks for sharing those tips.

The fact is I'm a shy person, so I've had to work on been more open myself.
Now, I find it fun to share.
At some point, I realized there are many people out there just like myself, so why am I so worried about talking about my experiences... we learn such a lot from each other!

Seems you have gotten pretty much better at it. I realise it's much easier for more people to relate to us when we open up, their engagement shoots up. It's a useful tip for creating a genuine following on a platform like steemit.

Great post. I should read this each time prior to posting to remind myself: be interesting! Sometimes, I have so much information to pass along, I tend to be dry which is funny because I'm not a dry person! The lesson is let your personality cut to the front of the line, and add some of that sizzle!

Thanks for this description of the bloggers. This for many including me is very useful, as many are in search of a keen topic for the blog and do not have certain qualities for a successful blogging.
I completely agree that confidence decides much and one should not forget about trust ...
All that you describe is informative and useful ..

Yes, trust in what you believe in! It helps to have confidence.

Nice, been kinda unmotivated lately when creating content for Facebook that no one sees anyway... The combination of hardly anyone seeing my posts and me not seeing the inspiring and motivating posts I "liked" all sorts of pages to make sure I would see, has had me feeling pretty low lately. So stoked to have found Steemit, and to be seeing inspiring and motivating content like this again! Makes me remember I DO have it inside me and I can find it again by surrounding myself with positive people/influences and focusing on building the new here on Steemit instead of fighting the same old algorithm battle on Facebook!

The main point is having fun blogging. Then other people feel it too.

I found it hard to be myself lately on Facebook, I was always worried about if the algorithms would show my post to people if my post was too long, had too many picture, had a link, had words I used often etc... It took the fun out of just letting it flow naturally! On Steemit I already feel a sense of freedom to express myself authentically. Thanks for posting this, it really hit me in the right spot today :)

Wow! Amazing and wonderful post @artguru. Very well written about bloggers.
Really very impressive post and you are so much talented that you arote about it.
Your all posts are so great with amazing concept and I really glad to follow you.
You are my inspiration mam!
Thank you so much mam for sharing this post.😊💙💙

Have a wonderful day!!

When I started out with my own website I had to do my research. But with actually blogging for a while I saw what really happens. When I read other people's blogs, I take note of my own response to their blogs, what I like and don't like. It helps me understand more fully how people re-act to blogs.

Great tips. This article helped the new bloggers. Worth it to upvote and resteem. Happy Holidays! :)

I've just started watching the Harry Potter films & I'm almost 30. I put them on for my daughter but find myself watching them when she goes to bed lol. There are so many of these bloggers on Steemit :D including yourself x

We will all be rich soon, keep up the good fight, happy 2018!!!

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