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RE: My 2018: Achievements and Failures - From Nomad to Coed

I think it's difficult to startup and bootstrap with minimal resources. Look who am I? even you're stil reluctant to do it :-D it's full of uncertainties. But that's where the challenge and thrills are. Staying sober was hard but now I know how to stay sober- just have some debts, some pressure to finish college, no friends are helping too, minimalise the social drinking obligations.:-D


What kinda startup? I am intrigued. I am also looking for a way out of this salary and debt cycle and the way I see it is owning a business is the best solution to it. I am looking for your experience and the mistakes that impacted the project. Being said that

it's full of uncertainties. But that's where the challenge and thrills are.

I am not up for the uncertainties that much. :-D

Media agency, something revolving around digital advertising. :-D It's scary as I learned from my parents. They went bankrupt numerous time, so I know what's like to be in that position, hustle back and then make something.

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