My 2018: Achievements and Failures - From Nomad to Coed

in #blocktradescontest6 years ago (edited)

This is my second year entering a fun contest by @anomadsoul and @blocktrades. You can find the previous year My 2017: Achievements and Failures - What Macchiata's been doing in 2017?. Because I think my achievements and failures this year were heavily connected to the previous year.

Last year, I spent most of my time on the platform and harvested the result during the market bull run.I am very grateful because I can experience life outside my tiny bubble.I traveled and met some amazing steemians- I think this what makes steemit special than other platforms out there, the sense of community.

I have previously logged what I did in 2018. If you want to read all the things I did, find it here.

my 2018 Failures and Achievements.png

Welcoming 2019, a reflection on 2018.

Now, let's start with my failures in 2018.


This year, my failures were revolving around my financial side. In contrast to last year, which were full of personal problems, 2018 was full of reckless monetary decision. There are two major things which I considered as a failure.

I failed to execute the business plans I had with my friend.

After turning 21, I decided it was time for me to start a business. I was influenced by other techpreneur and nomad preneur out there to have my own.And so, I was lucky to meet now a best friend, who was also interested in building a business. Funny, we met via a dating site about couple months before we decided to relocate to Bali, a paradise for remote workers(red: travel bloggers,tech hippie)whatever you want to call it.

During the conversation we came up with an idea to build a media agency. We want to provide service for people to create their website, helping with copywriting, marketing, all inclusive to help their digital presence stand out from the rest.

We thought Bali was the place.Folktales has it that Bali is the place to start a business. So we bought that story. However, in Bali there were a lot of distractions. Party, beautiful beaches, bars lining up, new friends, and its unique culture. It was never intended for a place to work, at least for me. However, I spotted several people working on their laptop in the beach bar while sipping Mojito or eating their smoothie bowl.

Time passed by, we spent the time goofing around and forgetting our idea and the reason we relocated to Bali. And so fast forward, we burned our savings pretty quickly.That time, I was also notified about school.

I was lost once again. " Should I go back to school?." I asked myself that question. Maybe I should bury my dream of owning a business now. At least I learned the system and how it worked. I can go back later in the future.

And so, in the middle of August, I got back to school.I signed up to school while hating it. It was a rough transition from hustling mindset to a laid back school life.

Not to mention, my health was deteriorating. I became ill easily. So, I decided to stop working, completely.


I failed to have a sustainable nomadic lifestyle

I have always wanted to lead a life where I can work from anywhere without borders. I thought it was going to be easy with my online stream income.

I was always living in a cheap dirt place but eventually as I made friends on the way, expenses added. Meet up there, meet up here. It was all inevitable.

I also thought it was sustainable to travel weekly or changing places as quick as 2 weeks. I found out, even 2 months were not enough. I stayed quite long in Bali and that still, I had a hard time adjusting and creating a routine.

I was also spending way too much on useless things. I was not aware that staying in a place meaning I have to adjust with the local lifestyle. I still couldn't grasp the idea of it. I kept spending like I was on a holiday.

So I learned that rapid place movements, were not sustainable.I came up with a plan next year to travel 6 months straight and 6 months home.

Now, let's leave that grim part.

My achievement

Most of my achievements are the effect of last year choices. I have changed myself for the good. And there are two major things that affected the way I function today.

Alcohol-Free for the past 7 months.

I could say, I was an alcoholic. It helped me being creative, helped me sleep and all sort of things. I was actually being ignorant.

It was contributing to the damage of my health. I was never supposed to be drinking anymore since I suffered through post traumatic brain injury. But being rebellious, I did.

It took a toll on me. So one day, after noticing how ill I was, I stopped completely. I want to get better and healthier. So, I can live longer.

Sometimes, I feel like I am 21 years old with energy bar of someone in their 60's. After stopping drinking, I noticed tremendous change in my life. Maybe you notice it too based on my writing.

No more " write drunk edit sober." Even then, I still have personality. Maybe alcohol was a quick fix but wouldn't it better to have permanent fix?

So I am back to school, officially a coed again.

I think back to school is an achievement of mine. Ever since the accident, I was very negligent about it. I didn't care. I religiously skipped classes and put zero effort to it.

Right now, I am in my finals week.I made it through. I attended classes regularly. I followed all the lesson even was still struggling following most lesson.

Amidst my current busy schedule, I am still finding some spare time to interact on steemit.

Recently, I found out, I am in the edge of getting expelled. So, I will have to work extra.

I wish to graduate next year or early 2020. We'll have to see about that. I think my business and startups ideas can be postponed.

Now, my major goal is to be free from institutional education. Bonus, I'll also make my parents(s) proud.

2018 was full of adventures and memories I won't forget. I finally get my life together. I am also growing up to be a sane washed adult. And I look forward for exciting 2019.

Thank you for following my journey, travel stories and my ramblings. I think without all the support I received, I won't be here today.

Signed, M.


Sometimes it's good to step out to see the general panorama better, I'm sure that when you decide to jump in the entrepreneur coliseum you'll be ready for it!

Yes! This time, I will learn more from consumer perspective :)) and then only I'll know how to step up the marketing game.

Wow!!! Quite a year you had. Your failure and achievement, How shall I put it... "Lies on the opposite edge of the spectrum".

No many have the guts to startup (I for one) and to bounce back when things go wrong. But you manage to keep it real. And staying sober during all this is even harder.

I think it's difficult to startup and bootstrap with minimal resources. Look who am I? even you're stil reluctant to do it :-D it's full of uncertainties. But that's where the challenge and thrills are. Staying sober was hard but now I know how to stay sober- just have some debts, some pressure to finish college, no friends are helping too, minimalise the social drinking obligations.:-D

What kinda startup? I am intrigued. I am also looking for a way out of this salary and debt cycle and the way I see it is owning a business is the best solution to it. I am looking for your experience and the mistakes that impacted the project. Being said that

it's full of uncertainties. But that's where the challenge and thrills are.

I am not up for the uncertainties that much. :-D

Media agency, something revolving around digital advertising. :-D It's scary as I learned from my parents. They went bankrupt numerous time, so I know what's like to be in that position, hustle back and then make something.

Such a great honest detailed entry!

I wish you so much luck in achieving your goals. I'm sure your parents are already proud of you 😊

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I really hope they do!

Have a great year ahead to you!! I'll have to see other entries and yours too.


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Whaaat so you went to Bali to start a business with guy you met on Tinder?? omg thats the most romantic stuff ever :D! No joke!

Noo not tinder, it was okc LOL and yes we had a plan to, we had resources but we were just lazy, super lazy actually.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hah whatever, it must have been suuuper romantic, no wonder you didn't succeed in the business :D But hey! Those are memories forever or? :)

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