My2018: Just a normal day

in #blocktradescontest6 years ago

"Just a normal day in 2018" it’s a new contest run by @anomadsoul and sponsored by @blocktrades. A good idea to inspire us to write a post, this time about how a normal day for us was in 2018.

For this new contest there is a total reward pool of 100 STEEM and 5 different judges will pick the winners. So don’t hesitate and join this fun contest, you still have some time!

For more information please read @anomadsoul post: CONTEST! My2018: Just a normal day | 100 Steem in Prizes

regular day cover.jpg

And now, lets jump right into my entry, which I hope you will like:

I have chosen as a normal day for me a work day, being this the most common, it will be more appealing to call it a normal day for my 2018.

6:30AM - The sound of the alarm tells me: ”Enough of sleeping”

The very first thing I do when I open my eyes, after turning off my alarm, is to give a kiss to my wife without waking her up.

We have 4 cats and 1 dog, so when I get out of the room they are all waiting in line to say hello and letting me know that they are very hungry. The priority in the moment is for our dog, she is always happy to see me and runs to the door so we can go outside for her to do her biological necessities.

My little princes making a pee
Maimoun pee.jpeg

While I am waiting for her, I check my Crypto Portfolio which for a normal day in 2018 is always in red color =)

Serving the food to our cats is next, and this requires a protocol since the oldest of them all has a pancreatic condition and has to eat a special food. The annoying part is that he prefers to eat the food the other 3 eat and the others like his special diet food. Sometimes I think they do it on purpose to bother me, but I cannot complain I love them so much so I can deal with this.

This is a perfect picture I took from them once while they were waiting for food.

Once felines are controlled, it’s time for our canine “daughter” to eat. Always very well behaved she waits for her turn:


Now it's time for us humans.

As usual, I serve myself a glass with coconut water with lemon. The first intake of my daily life. I also serve a glass for @evecab so she doesn’t have to when she wakes up. Well, in this house the man take cares of all the morning duties, I’d rather her to sleep in, she deserves it (and she works in the afternoon)..


Then time for breakfast, usually is mostly fruits cereal or oatmeal, avocado if we have, bread and a nice cup of Panamanian coffee which I leave for last. If @evecab wakes up we enjoy breakfast together.

Something I like to do while drinking my coffee is reading crypto news. I’m sure you will agree with me on that we have to always keep ourselves updated!

Time for bathroom stuff, which of course I will not get into details. After a nice shower and getting dressed, it's time for me to kiss again my wife and go to work.

7:45AM - On the way to work

Now that I am writing this I am realizing how lucky I am leaving in this paradise and be able to go to work in just a few minutes. We live inside a natural reserve, so howler monkeys most of the time are around to make their sounds while I am leaving from the property.

In my way to work, I like to listen to some Jazz / Funk or Acid Jazz music to start the morning relax. The view I have on my way to work helps a lot in that too:


Once at the office, I switch my chip to the Job one, and the day starts. I have to serve myself another cup of coffee, one is not enough for me during the morning.

10:30AM - Short break

Regardless of what I am doing at the moment, I always try to take at least 20 mins break from my desk and walk around. I have to eat my protein + carb snack in the middle of the morning, sometimes oatmeal with bananas, sometimes a veggie sandwich.

If I have to do errands, I go into town and try to always visit other businesses owned by friends. If not I just stay at my work and grab a book to read a few pages, for now the type of books I am reading are Crypto related:


12:15PM - Lunch time!

At my job, in my office we implemented a rule like a year ago, everyone HAS TO take 1 hour and 30 minutes for lunch break. One hour is never enough because some times besides eating you have to do other personal things or errands, and there is no room to relax and digest food properly. So I enjoy my lunch break as everyone should.

I go back home to eat lunch with @evecab who hopefully (most of the time) has something delicious prepared for us. Then I relax in the couch reading more crypto news.

If I have a busy day at the office, I don’t take all my lunch break and go back right away. It’s OK, I like what I do at work so I don’t mind.

4:00PM - Protein Smoothie break:

This break is fast, only to make my regular soya milk + banana + honey + oatmeal smoothie.

You must think I eat a lot. Since my metabolism is to fast and I do sports a lot, I have to eat at least 5 times a day to keep up.

I usually leave the last 1 or 2 hours of the day for meetings. So if I have to attend to a social meeting group I do, if not I just keep doing office work.

5:30PM - End of the work day.

After a busy day of work, I go into town to buy groceries if I need to, most of the time I visit the Veggie Store, if not I go back home.

The veggie store we always go is the Quintero Veggie Store. They always have fresh food, not expensive and were the first veggie store implementing the Plastic Bag Ban so if you visit Bocas one day, pay them a visit. They are located in the 2nd street next to the German Bakery.


6:00PM - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu mode

The classes starts at 6PM so we only have around 30 minutes to get ready and go back into town for class. It’s a 2 hour class which is always fun and it always feels like time flies.


The days we don’t have Jiu Jitsu we train at home. I have a nice small gym with everything we need.

Now that @evecab and I are pregnant, the sport routine has changed a bit, however, I am very proud of her because she is trying to keep herself active and I am supporting her.

Before a gym session, if my dog is full of energy I start with going for a run for about 15 minutes with her.

A regular Gym session for me is to work on my powerlifting. I am not looking to pump myself since it's not good for my jiu jitsu flexibility, but endurance and power is important so I am always working out with weights doing exercises that help me on that.

WhatsApp Image 2018-12-16 at 12.21.33 PM.jpeg

8:00PM - End of workout time to shower and eat.

Always after Jiu Jitsu class we ended up very exhausted. The feelings is so nice because we know we had a good session and that is very rewarding.

When we get home, first thing is to take a shower, then I take care of same pets food routine, put our sport gear in the laundry while @evecab is taking care of dinner.

Since @evecab is a magic woman in the kitchen, she usually prepares most of the meals. Don’t think I never do anything, I have my kitchen chores and sometimes, I repeat: sometimes I prepare the food =)

8:30PM - Time for dinner

I always enjoy a nice glass of beer before eating dinner, but since @evecab can no longer drink her regular cup of wine because of her pregnancy, I decided to show some solidarity so I am not drinking my before dinner beer anymore. I miss it a lot though.

While eating dinner we share our highlights of the day, we chat about anything and everything. It is always good to share meals together.

After dinner, then we relax ourselves. Most of the time I enter to the Crypto Space to check graphs, or we sit down for a bit to swim in the Steemit Platform, watch videos. It could be either this or reading a book.

10:30PM - Bed time!

Last thing I do in the day is to clean the cat litter and take my dog out for her last pee of the day.

We usually go to bed together and I will leave the end of my regular day here.

Writing down everything I do, during a regular day for me in my 2018, It made me realize that I keep myself busy, no complaints. It was fun to participate in this contest, especially because the majority of the pictures were taken in the same day for the purpose of this post.

As a way of appreciation I would like to comment I just voted for @blocktrades as a witness. Like @anomadsoul already said, these contests and votes from him is thanks to his delegation he got from @blocktrades. So why not supporting and give something back to this crew who are always creating value for many others here? Thanks again guys!


Thank you!



I used to post this post!

Saludos amigo @el-cr Muy bonito post.

gracias bro, saludos!

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