The blocktrades contest | Whoooot week 75 of the Steemit #BeerSatutday Challenge is ON!

in #blocktradescontest6 years ago

First at all, I love the idea and like to send many thanks to @blocktrades and @anomadsoul for the opportunity to take part in the contest. I'm sure to meet the Requirements as I post nearly daily and I engage a lot with others.

BeerSaturday Detlev.png

My entry to the contest

The week 75 of the BeerSaturday and as well another one from week 76 of BeerSaturday

I run the Steemit #BeerSaturday Challenge to motivate people to write a short story about the topic of beer since 76 weeks in a row!

This is are definitely not the “Hey we got drunk again” style post. We have people who write about all the differentiation of beers, all the different tastes, all the different brands and even all the different places to have a beer with some friends.

But there is much more as we had stories about beer cake and as well about non alcohol beers or "a chicken from the BBQ wich was riding the beer can in the heat to get a different taste". All this drives engangment and people learn from each other - this brings more and more value to steemit.

#BeerSaturday by Detlev

It is....

Maintaining a challenge to motivate steemians to write quality content each week and accidentally build a worldwide beer loving family.

beersaturday big picture.png
One of the first pictures I did for the challege based on a Pixabay template

I'm a role model?

Good questions and I like to show you what I do to enable you to judge yourself

  • Running this time consuming #BeerSaturday Challenge sind 76 weeks
  • Buildung the worldwide #BeerSaturday community
  • creating an app to calculate challenges in a fair model (note by vote or value)
  • running the Steemit Meetup Aachen with several events at my office
  • try to teach other in "How to create good content"
  • Doing 2 speeches at SteemFest about this topics
  • Think positive even if the steem price is in pennies... (most important)

I was active on many other communities before Steemit and I try to bring together people to have fun and engage more to each other.

A new community was born

Some month ago a list of the 120 BeerSaturday Steemians who enganged with the community since then and look forward how many we will have in week 100.

120 BeerStaurday Steemians.png

Now I cross my fingers for this contest and wish all others a lot of fun with Steemit and a nice beer!

 " "detlev steemit klein.gif""

Detlev love steemit

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Enjoy & Engage Follow & Resteem


Hey, viel Glück beim Contest, hoffe du gewinnst.Ich erfülle leider nicht alle Kriterien um mitmachen zu dürfen. Noch ne kleine Anmerkung. Vllt magst du den 1 prozent vote auf meinen Blogs ändern, is ja süss dass du an mich denkst, aber 1 Prozent haha .. weisst schon. LG aus München, Liz

Servus @detlev, krieg I a ein Autovote von dir, wenn Ich dich genauso "erfrischend frech" um eins bitte? :D LG aus Innsbruck, Martin

Werde Dich "frechen" gerne aufnehmen, da Du die beiden Steemians @evecab und @el-cr ja so gut kennst.

Wir hatten einen schönen #BeerSaturday Heimweg und eine tolle Geschichte.....

Hah scheinbar löhnt es sich, die zwö kennen :D Hmmm was in Krakow passiert ist, sollte da a bleiben .. also I frag auf eure Gschichte lieba ned :D

Ahahha danke @detlev 😂

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Hi Liz, es war mir echt eine Freude mit Dir durch Krakow zu spazieren.

Du bist so "erfrischend frech" freue mich auf ein Treffen zu dem nächsten Steemit Event.

Gern passe ich meinen mini vote mal an. Nur gibt mein kleiner Steemit Account nicht wirklich viel her.

Kanns kaum erwarten ;) Freu mich auch schon!! Sag bescheid wenn du mal nach Muc aufs treffen kommst. Oder so in der Stadt bist, dann können wir was organisieren :)

You are a super active steemian with a big community happning around this competition... and lets be honest...if 50 (or more) people join 'live' in what is your online say you did a pretty good job

Thanks @karinxxl for “the flowers”.

I do all this for the fun we all have with steemit and for the people who enjoy the topic of my challenge

Whooot, mein Thema. Danke

Hey @landshutbrauhaus würde mich gern mal zum Thema Bier abstimmen

Gruß Detlev

Hallo @detlev ! Wir bitten vielmals um Verzeihung, aber wir sind steemit Neulinge und sind nun eher zufällig auf diesen post der beer-challenge gestossen.... wir waren schon bei Woche 76 —> .... das Thema Delegation ist wohl wichtig und wir können wohl derzeit zwar wenig, aber zumindest ein bisschen was delegieren. Wäre für den #beersaturday eine Delegation unsererseits an den Gewinner interessant? LG und Alles Gute aus Landshut

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Hallo liebe @landshutbrauhaus. Sollen wir einfach telefonieren und ich erzähle euch ein wenig zu Steemit oder habt ihr bereits einen andere steemit Coach / Mentor im Einsatz??

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Hi @detlev ! Evtl. auf Discord ? --> landshuterbrauhaus#4944
Oder Twitter ? -->

If you choose @detlev as a winner you really support a longtime steemian that is really activ and does a lot of things for the Community with his #Beersaturday contest and the meet-ups he organizes from time to time.

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Thanks my friend. I do my best to have fun and to maintain that challenge beneath a time eating job.

Yeah it is impresiv how much time you find to post

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