BlockCorp Industries is still hiring to find new and lost blocks or was that the bot!? Read email enclosed!

in #blockcorp8 years ago

The bot had some pizza after the bot and the pizza were both left unattended.  Please read email  that was sent by the bot afterwards and also note that the bot has seemed to have disappeared (again).


You're (re-)hired!  Thank you for joining BlockCorp Industries!

Please read the email below and enter your reply emails in the comments section below.

cc: [hidden]

to: All Staff

from: Carl

Some blocks were discovered by the bot that originated from New York and Boulder, CO.  Decryption was attempted but the blocks were found to be corrupt.  Hopefully more informative blocks may be found in the future by someone or something more capable.

These were discovered when  the bot was on a field trip in New York back in 2001.  Maybe it wasn't a field trip.  Might have been a dream or information that the bot had hacked up from somewhere.

Part of the information regarding all of this got mixed in with some pizza that the bot dropped on itself.  This made a mess of part of the bot's hardware and software.  As a result many files became mismatched.

There is also a rumor of someone planning to possibly kidnap some blocks or something.  So please be sure to keep any blocks that you find safe and secure!  If you find colorful ones I would prefer to look those ones over as they appear more interesting to the bot!

So please be sure to pass on useful appearing blocks with any useful information so that it may passed along.  Thank you and hope everyone enjoyed the pizza.  Sorry to say the bot and the pizza didn't get along well.  Not so sure about this new CEO either.  But time will tell.  So we shall see.

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To: Carl
From: Q. Anomaly

Subj: Block witnessing


Being not a miner myself, we do have this giant floating eyeball (we call "her?" Gretchin) chained up in the server room. Normally, it just stares off into the void of an unstable portal that occupies server rack 146-D, but today, a small block made entirely of pizza dropped out of said portal, and Gretchin has been gyrating ever since. When we removed the block, it sat still. When we replaced it with any other small object, she seemed to shake back and forth, as if saying "no". Other blocks placed in front of it seemed to yield varying amounts of gyration based on how interesting they were to the Gretchin.

I suggest re-purposing the portal as an exit point for all mined blocks, connected to the warehouse under iron mountain. We can set up a conveyor system and use an intern to remove any blocks of inferior quality from the chain. This way, all blocks can be properly witnessed before going off to sale. In addition, the act of observation should collapse any rogue wave-functions that havent collapsed yet.

Please share your thoughts,
Q. Anomaly
Head of IT (Interdimensional Technologies)

To: Q. Anomaly
From: Carl
Subj: RE: Block witnessing
Q. Anomaly,
I'm not familiar with the miner. Haven't seen this eyeball and not sure I want to. So your department and keep a witness chained up there to serve her. Would love to learn more about what dimension the small block made entirely of pizza came from. Maybe the department could find more blocks regarding this eye pizza. Although I don't think people want eyes on their pizza. But what do I know.
Great idea with the exit point portal. Not sure where to find interns because I don't know if we've ever had any. Look forward to planson the block expasnion from Iron Mountain. Hopefully someone can negotiate some good deals as our company income has been a little low recently.
Mind Blocked,

to: Carl [[email protected]]
from: DoctorHector [[email protected]]
I found some blocks, i don't know if these if these are the missing blocks in question.

All I do know is they hurt like hell when stepping on them.

Maybe we should send them to militarization division and have them weaponized.

Or we could throw them in some unsuspecting fools office for a trap.

To: Doctor Hector @rxhector
From: Renee Nouveau
Subject: Re: Re: Missing Blocks

Dear Doctor,
How did you hear about the militarization division?

P.S. I don't have you on my employee roster, but you are a doctor so I'm sure it's fine. What are you a doctor of? Some of the ducks are sick.

Renee Nouveau
Public Relations for the
Secret Society Division

to: Renee Nouveau [@reneenouveau]
from: DoctorHector [@rxhector]
subject: Subject: Re: Re: Missing Blocks

I'm probably not on your roster because I work for the division which shall remain un-named
(that's probably how I know about the weapons)

Im not a proctologist but I know an asshole when I see one, and Im not a gynocologist but I can always take a look - what the hell.

I just fix stuff - hence the nomenclature.

Sure I would love to look at your lovely ducks ;)

/s Doctor Hector
nameless division BCI

To: DoctorHector [[email protected]]
From: Carl [[email protected]]
Subj: RE:
Thank you for hacking into my thought to be personal now shared server, it must have been lonely to let you in so easily.
Great that you found blocks! I thought any and all blocks were in question!
Please refrain from stepping on them. There was complaints from a nearby cubicle. But thanks to you we found out that you had woken them up and they were trying to sleep. Will send a notice to remove the bed from that cubicle. And security should be notified to open their eyes up a little more since they missed the bed being brought it. It wasn't there last week even! Come to think of it I don't even know if anyone has been hired for the security position. That might explain why the bed came in unnoticed...
Please redistribute theseparticular blocks so we all have a box full in case we have any visitors we don't like. Great ideas! Contacting the militarization division sounds like a good idea. But I think that division might be currently blockless & workerless. That may explain the misplacement that resulted in you hurting your feet.
Office fool-bot,
Carl Bo T. of BCI

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