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RE: Subject: Excessive Force at the South Entrance

in #blockcorp8 years ago

To: Renee Nouveau
From: Domingo Kryptik
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Excessive Force at the South Entrance


There is nothing dangerous about a hatchet. Like my great grandmother told me in our "birds and the bees" talk, "It's about how you use it". More people get killed by hair ties, personal tissue, underwear, and excessive dandelion consumption each year than by hatchets. Aren't these issues what we should really be looking at?

I think Brenda may have already corrupted your mind with her anti-hatchet propaganda.

About your things: they will be returned. Clint is a good guy. He has completely reformed since the last incident. In fact I stopped in to say hello, and he was diligently sniffing your underwear for bombs. He said he was worried about your safety, that's all. Don't be alarmed!

Have a great day,
Doming Kryptik
Senior Vice Antagonist


To: Domingo Kryptik
From: Renee Nouveau
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Excessive Force at the South Entrance

Mr. Kryptik,
We are getting off topic. The real issue is that I don't think a mammogram and a full cavity search are necessary upon entering the building... and certainly not staff at Management Level Ω and higher.

Please forward my contact information to Clint. I may have some other contraband material at home that needs to be collected.

Renee Nouveau
Public Relations for the
Secret Society Division

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