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RE: BLOCK-CHAINS | Writing Contest initiated by @v4vapid | ONE-UPMANSHIP
Tolle Geschichte! Dass Du gut schreiben kannst weiß ich ja mittlerweile :-)
Gar keine Gschaftlhuber diesmal? 👨💻
Tolle Geschichte! Dass Du gut schreiben kannst weiß ich ja mittlerweile :-)
Gar keine Gschaftlhuber diesmal? 👨💻
Danke dir. Aber sag mal ehrlich: hat sie was ausgelöst? Weil wenn nicht, dann denk ich, bin ich im Schreiben von Geschichten nicht besonders gut. Ich hatte mich schon manches Mal darin versucht & dachte bisher, dass sie wenn schon nicht herausragend, so doch ganz solide wären.
Ich bin auch überhaupt nicht böse über Kritik, sondern es würde mich wohl eher davon abhalten, weitere Geschichten zu posten und zu denken, es gäbe vielleicht doch ein Publikum dafür. Verstehst?
Möglich, dass ich auch Englische Geschichten lassen sollte, ich bin noch nicht ganz sicher.
Nah, keine Gschaftlhuber weit und breit. LOL!! :-)
Gerne :-) Hat Deine Geschichte was ausgelöst? Bei mir auf jeden Fall. Klingt auch immer noch nach. In der Scene am Anfang, konnte ich den "Sound" richtig spüren. Mir gefällt auch der Wechsel der Standpunkte und Blickwinkel.
Mit der Leserschaft ist es halt nicht so einfach. Es braucht Zeit, etwas zu lesen, das mehr als 10 Zeilen ist. Viele Leute nehmen sich die nicht. @talltim zum Beispiel hatte immer gute Geschichten geschrieben. Hat mich immer betrübt, dass er nicht mehr views und stimmen hatte. Schlißlich hat er aufgehört zu posten...
Mir würde es sehr gefallen, wenn Du in Deutsch schreiben würdest. Nach meiner eigenen Erfahrung, ist man in seiner Muttersprache immer etwas "persönlicher".
So, jetzt schau ich mir mal Deine 19 Fakten an. Dann gehts in ein eher hektisches WE... Ausstellung, mit vielen Künstlern. Bisschen wie Flöhe hüten 😜
Vielen lieben Dank, dass du noch mal meine Frage beantwortet hast.
Dir wünsche ich viel Inspiration und nen guten Austausch bei der Ausstellung! Und lass dir die Flöhe nicht zu sehr den Pelz jucken. LOL.
I think you shouldn't give up on the English. In contrast to some German writings I have come across yours does not betray a lack of confidence in English especially not when it is not translated but comes out fresh. (Trust me I am an English Foreign Language Teacher, with a knowledge of German!) Your style is atypically English that is true, but also what makes your writing out of the box. English writers tend to be more florid (Americans more conversational). Besides anybody who digs Alan Watts is somebody I want to read more of, German ok, but don't end up in the German niche entirely, it would be a waste.
How kind of you to give me a feedback. As you are a native speaker this means a lot. 'Cause I cannot have the same view on your language as you do. The thought popped also in my mind that it might be for this very reason "disturbing" and all that shakes a little has an effect. But insecurity gets me when I lack feedback.
Alan Watts is admired by me. His eloquent talks are fascinating and I am grateful that his voice remains in time and space.
I wrote an article about the "Wattsification of life". You wanna read it? I'll shoot you a link.
Thank you for tracking me. I will now have a look at your blog site.
Again, my pleasure meeting you!
Thank you for your visit to my post. I loved your comment which came to me after I had prepared my post for tomorrow, Monday. (Owing to too many unpleasantries of late, I am forced to tackle my project here on Steemit with some modified approaches. So it comes as a relief to hear your measured voice.) My unfinished work, currently is writing and several (esoteric) research projects and a definitive essay on Autism (and a couple of sweaters, a dress and a pair of new curtains). All of which I must consider artistic projects, since I have no qualifications. Here's to hoping one can be artistic without any qualifications!
I am starting to hope that I was sent here to write my last words ever and then retire to visual arts (before my eyes really give out on me). I am growing very very tired of trying to say anything worth listening to. I believe there comes a point when nothing much more can be said at all. I am also discovering how very religious I am turning out to be. Don't know what I am supposed to be tied to yet, but it may well proove not to be people!
Yes, please to the Wattsification of life. It is something I happen to be working on right now!
I understand.
Don't give up on people, though. How about limiting on those you can keep up with and establish a fruitful connection to?
I do understand you. Very much.
LOl. Whay you say about turning religious counts for me as well. I never thought of me being a religious person and yet, the older I get, I think that I was wrong about myself. But not to the point regretting anything.
Tiredness: yes. Time to rest. Time to feast on life.
Take good care of you and stay tuned to your many projects which seem to give you a lot.
Here the Watts-article though I think you already know everything I wrote:)
Thoroughly enjoyed your extolling piece on Watts. As far as I am concerned, drunk or not, he was enlightened enough. Especially by being one of the people (flawed) his words can work on still, I find. His biography just arrived a few weeks ago, and I am saving it up for when I really get fed up with people! Interestingly, we were working on Watts at the same time (my pieces 2 months ago were inspired by 30 mins of listening to Out of My Mind every morning at 5 am. I felt strong in my sukhasana pose then. But things are shifting fast. I find it fascinating that you just slipped in before my shutter had to come down.... I cannot do this Steem-project alone.