Drones help stop computer crimes - Anti-crypto corruption.

Welcome new employee to Clemirt Co pty ltd.


As you know the Government Outsourced tax avoidance detection and instant prosecution to Clemirt Co pty ltd in the year 2022.

*Your identity has been confirmed and you are cleared to begin your specified tasks for today. 

Reminder: You have to complete 22 more "seek and destroy" activities by 5pm today or your employment will be automatically terminated and you Clemirt Coin wallet will be denied continued access to the block-chain pending further investigation.

*You have selected, new employee instructions for: Procedure - Search and destroy.

Results\required activities:

  1. Initiate multi-block chain viewer scan and manually select the suspicious transaction ID
  2. Run the desktop feasibility tester application Procedure B
  3. Manually Assess the results against the companies threat level matrix 
  4. Complete procedure 27B for all threats above level 2 (all threats below this level are not cost effective for follow up, but will be kept on record for future consideration)
  5. Perform all additional duties as determined and instructed by the AI 27B.

*You have selected: More info on AI 27B

WARNING: Your general request for more information constitutes a possible threat and has been recorded. Please do not request further information, you are required to simply follow the procedures.

*Your clearance level has allowed additional information:

The AI 27B is a virtual AI that has been specifically designed to view block-chain activities and locate wallet addresses. Once the address has been validated all transactions to and from this address will be analysed by AI 27B to build a user behavour profile. Based on predictive behavour analysis AI 27B will continue to review and learn to predict the users next transaction. After a period not exceeding 1 hour the AI 27B will be able to successfully predict likely furthers transaction before they occur. Using big data and applying psychological profile information AI 27B will access all global systems to determine the human users true identity. Typically AI 27B can determine with 100% accuracy and will automatically deploy a drone to remove the destructive element. However in the event of <100% match, a human is required to press the escalate button for an automatic referral to AI 27C.


I doubt AI 27B is accurate enough to predict further transaction before they occur.. It could be used to destroy some genuine guy..

That's right!..

That's okay. I wasnt planning to sleep tonight anyway.

Haha :)

I actually didn't know that, that's pretty awesome. Thank you for sharing it with us. I have learned something new today.

I'd be sure to stay updated.

Thank you

Thank's for the information :)

Thank you for sharing with us. this is valuable information for me.

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