here i write some words in blockchain for @v4vapid sir blockchain contest

This time we understand the language of blockacain.

What is the blockchain?

A specific database on a specific network that is distributed to all members of the network (real time - means that if any updates to the database are updated, then the database is automatically updated on the database). And this database can be anything, transition history, can be a list of products. Each distribution database contains a specific block. Each block has unique unique addresses for connecting with each other and for later data recovery.
This is the starting block, the Genesis block in English. Now there is no block since this block, so the index of this block is 0. Remember the indexing of the block is starting at 0. After this, when this block was created. Blockchain This History remembers the time frame name. As this block was created on July 27, 2017, Thursday GMT 2:30:00. There are some blocks in the blocks where there are blocks. Suppose this is a text. Then comes the hash or hashing. Another big post can be written about it with details. A block with a hash is made simple by the hash, and the previous block with the previous hash is validated / linked. Here is the PREVIOUS hash 0, but the current hash 000018035 ... why it is? The current hash was supposed to be one, is not it? There is a reason behind it, which will be said in the hashing. For now, remember that this is an address that can validate the current hash and link to the previous and next block. Nonce then; In this nonce, a number generated is 56551, meaning that the whole system is the same as 56551 times to keep the data (Welcome to Blockchain CLI).

Cryptography is associated with this whole world. Do you remember the king's story? The King Mashi kept the whole account with him and kept it open for all, but those who possess naughty intellects can complain as they want and demand new crops for the king, unless the king arranges security there. In such a way, the cryptography implied in the whole blockchain.

What is cryptography?

Data storage and transfer procedures where only certain people have the ability to read and work on that data. Cryptography uses some techniques, such as data storage via micro dots, store text and images in one place. What does it do that does not know how the whole system works, he can find out the meaning of some

Why blockchain important?

1.In chronological order:

Blockchain is a shared public laser where every data in the transaction is open and anyone in the system can see that data. In addition, there is a unique ID for every block, and a reference link (hash) that is linked to its previous block.


This means that there is no change or modification. Once a block system has been verified and it is added to the block chains, it will not be possible to modify, modify or modify it.


The whole data system is shared with everyone and has automatic updates. It's called Distributed Laser.


The most interesting part of Blockchain is that the Blockchain does not like third parties or mid-life partners, and there is no centralized data stored on the whole system in such a way that they can be mediocre and take advantage of the system.


All data stored in the blockchain (all nodes) open to all of the system. Anyone can see the information as needed.

6.Impossible to forge (tamper-proof):

There is no lack of crafty people in our society who do something that they can not afford for their greed. This is because the reason for the hassle of banking in the country's banking sector is because of the greed of a handful of few people, their support of the sea, not the answer. As a result, it is possible to loot the bank by showing it on paper, and who is responsible for its liability. Wherever there is VAT-tax, the price of commodity prices is very high. These are not possible on block chains. Once the data is verified, it is not possible to change the data and get the benefit.

That's why the people of the banking sector can not tolerate the blockade! ;)


##There will be no bank in futures. Even if we see the bank now, there will be nothing. Personalized peer-to-peer banking has already started. Bitcoin and Cryptocarcini are proof of its. And this banking system will lead to the Blockchain based community .

@deybala thanks for read :)

##This written for @v4vapid's for this contest. love this challange

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