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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 06/24/18> Today would be a good day for reruns… and coffee.

in #blockchainmemoryproject6 years ago (edited)
The noon-time meal in the southeastern US is called "lunch" and the evening meal is "supper," at least by true Southerners. Whichever of the two is the biggest meal is called "dinner," instead. So, Sunday "dinner" was usually right after church in our household, but we had "dinner" on the weekdays in the evening-time.

I like "breakfast" so much that I sometimes enjoy it for supper, too. There's nothing like a poached egg, sausage links, fruit, toast-with-jam, and coffee for an evening meal! Yum! Or maybe pancakes, instead, with bacon and fruit. In fact, I might have to do that this evening, now that the idea is in my head!

That is amusing, that your father would only allow the women to put cream and sugar in the coffee. 😁

In our household, coffee was a beverage reserved for adults on a routine basis, and a very occasional "treat" for us children. And by "very occasional," mean perhaps only three times a year or so. And then, it was a CUP of coffee, not a mug as we mostly do nowadays. Remember the "cups" that held about half of what a mug holds? That's what we had. Mom put cream-and-sugar in it for us, so that is how I like it best today.

It was fun watching the old percolators. I was fascinated at how the coffee would "bloop" upwards into the little glass cap. It didn't take much to keep me entertained... LOL!

There is still an old percolator here. It's probably not the same one that was used when I was a child, but a newer one, I imagine. It's still in good shape, although I have not tested it to see if it still works. You are welcome to it, if you want it.


I remember the first time I was at the kitchen table about to have my first cup of coffee. Mom pulled the coffee pot from the stove and poured my dad and myself a cup and then she went back to tending to the cooking of breakfast. I got the sugar container from the middle of the table and put a teaspoon of sugar in it and then some creamer. I took my spoon and started stirring it to get all mixed good. Then my dad ask me, "Are you fixin that cup for your mother?"
I told him no, that it was for me. He then told me that if I wanted to drink coffee like a man I needed to give that cup to mom, "men in this house don't use cream and sugar".
So from then on it pure black coffee for me and my brothers. My little sister wasn't a big coffee drinker when we were growing up but she does drink a cup every morning now, with cream and sugar.
I will give that pot of yours some consideration if I can't find one here locally. There are a few places I will check and I think I can find one at a good price, I don't think they are in high demand any longer since no one wants to wait on anything any more, especially a cup of coffee.

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